Example 3: Recognising report sections answers

Which part of a case study report (below) does this extract most likely belong to:

1) Introduction

This text was placed in the introduction of a case study report. It describes the brief and chosen focus of the report.

2) Methodology / Approach

This text is describing generally the terms of reference of the report, but does not indicate what methods were used, so it would not be appropriate for the methodology section. Try again!

3) Conclusion

This text was placed in the introduction of a report. If we change the use of present tense for the sentence “…hence the risk assessment conducted by Sydney team is in accordance with…” to past tense, then this text may sound like it belongs in the conclusion. Try again!

Case study report extract:

Each team was advised to conduct a risk assessment on XXX and was provided with the 2001 Financial Year Report. No specific guidance was provided as to what issues or event was to be assessed. Determining the context and frame of reference for the assessment was left to individual teams, hence the risk assessment conducted by Sydney team five is in accordance with the following:

"Conduct a risk assessment on the 'political risks' of XXX's operations in Angola arising from the death of the rebel leader, Jonas Savimbi on 22 February 2002. Projected period for analysis is 18 months."

  Next: Example 4

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