Your results are sent to your Email account and posted on myUNSW
after the exam period has finished for each term.
Dates for release of results
The official dates for the release of results for UNSW Sydney are listed below. Please be aware that results cannot be released earlier than the published dates.
These dates are for all students except: ADFA, Diploma and Hexamester.
See our guide to teaching periods for an explanation of abbreviations (such as T1C etc.)
What do the different grades mean?
See our guide to grades to find out:
- What your grades mean (HD, DN, CR, PS etc.)
- How your WAM (Weighted Average Mark) is calculated
- Comparison of grading systems used at UNSW and overseas
- Different grading for amalgamated institutes such as SCAE and AGSM.
What if I have outstanding debt?
An outstanding debt with UNSW means you'll be denied some or all of the following services:
- Receipt of examination and course results
- Examination results
- Access to UNSW Library services
- Access to campus buildings and computer laboratories
- Re-enrolment or Graduation (whichever is applicable)
- Your academic transcript or any other official documentation issued by UNSW
What should you do?
If your debt is a:
- Tuition fee or activity fee - Obtain a fee statement from myUNSW and pay your outstanding fee today.
- Library fine - Pay Library fines online, or in person at the Print and Copy Desk in the Library on Kensington campus.
What are withheld results? WC, WD, WJ
There are three withheld grades:
- WC - Result not finalised. The student has submitted a request for Special Consideration, for which the outcome is pending.
- WD - Result not finalised. The student has not submitted or completed one or more components of the assessment requirement.
- WJ - Result finalised but not released. Awaiting the outcome of an unresolved matter.
If you receive a WC or WD grade you must contact your course authority within the specified time noted in the course handout, but in any case no more than 5 days after the release of results, as it might be necessary to organise further assessment. You will be aware of the unresolved matter that a WJ grade relates to.
The deadlines for finalising withheld results are:
- Term 3 2023: 9 February 2024
- Summer Term 2024: 5 March 2024
- Term 1 2024: 14 June 2024
- Term 2 2024: 27 September 2024
- Term 3 2024: 7 February 2025
- Semester 2 2023: 9 February 2024
- Summer Semester 2024: 3 March 2024
- Semester 1 2024: 2 August 2024
- Semester 2 2024: 7 February 2025
Any results not finalised by the set deadline will be converted to a course not completed grade (NC). This grade counts as a Fail in the calculation of academic standing and academic progression.
How withheld grades affect academic standing
UNSW Sydney
Following release of results at the end of Term 1, 2 and 3, initially all withheld and late entry grades (WC, WD and LE) will result in an academic standing level of Pending, if these grades prevent the determination of a true academic standing level.
Once the deadline for Suspension or Exclusion has passed, withheld grades of WD and WC are treated as Fails if the student's previous semester or term's academic standing was not Good. This is to ensure that students who may be at risk of failure are identified early and can consult an academic advisor before finalising their enrolment for the next term.
UNSW Canberra
- In Semester 1, withheld grades of WD and WC are treated as Fails if your previous semester's academic standing was not Good. This is to ensure that students who may be at risk of failure are identified early and can consult an academic advisor before finalising their next semester's enrolment.
- In Semester 2, initially all withheld and late entry grades (WC, WD and LE) result in an academic standing level of Pending if these grades prevent the determination of a true academic standing level. Once the deadline for Suspension or Exclusion has passed, withheld grades of WD and WC are treated as Fails if the student's previous semester's academic standing was not Good. This is to ensure that students who may be at risk of failure are identified early and can consult an academic advisor before finalising their next semester's enrolment.
How to apply for Review of Results
NOTE: You must submit your application no later than 5 working days after the return of the assessment or, in the case of an exam, 5 working days from the date of release of results.
For Term 2 2024, the deadline to apply for any results released on 29 August 2024 is 11:59pm, Thursday 5 September 2024.*
*If you are still waiting on the results for a course, you will still be entitled to the 5 working day window to apply for a review of those results - this includes students with an LE, WD or WC grade - please submit an enquiry to The Nucleus: Student Hub, and they will direct your enquiry to your course convenor.
You can apply for Review of Results for any of your assessment tasks. However, note that a review of your results is not automatically approved and may lead to your grade either going up or down.
The following reasons are not grounds for a request for Review of Results:
- Challenges to the specified learning outcomes of the course;
- Challenges to the assessment methods approved for the course;
- Challenges to the standard required to receive particular marks/grades in the course;
- Study overload;
- Financial implications of not passing the course;
- Marks/grades received by other students;
- Lack of language proficiency;
- The need for additional marks to achieve a higher grade or weighted average mark (WAM); and/or
- A penalty imposed on a student for academic misconduct in accordance with University policies and procedures
How to apply
- Discuss your performance in the assessment with the Course Authority.
- After the discussion, if you still believe that the mark you've received does not reflect your performance, you may apply for Review of Results.
Note: Keep all marked work in case it is needed for re-marking.
You must submit no later than 5 working days from the date of Release of Results or when the assessment is returned to you (excludes days within the UNSW Shutdown period and public holidays).
For reviews of Term 2 2024 results released on 29 August 2024, the deadline to apply is 11:59pm, Thursday 5 September 2024.
Form for all students (except UNSW Canberra & UNSW College)
Form for UNSW Canberra students only
Important notes about your application:
- You must state the reason why you believe your mark is not correct to justify your request for a reassessment and provide evidence, such as reference to the marking rubric, where appropriate. If you do not supply sufficient reasons and evidence, the Course Authority may decline to take action. Please review the reasons that are not grounds for a Review of Results.
- If you are requesting for Review of Result for a group assessment, all participants must be in agreement before a request may be submitted. Please include the zID number of each group member when submitting your request as it will also affect their marks.
- If you have been suspended, excluded or terminated as a result of poor academic standing and are awaiting the outcome of your Review of Result, then it is important for you to submit an appeal against your suspension, exclusion or termination by the appeal deadline. This is in case your request for Review of Results is unsuccessful.
- Proceed with your future enrolment on the basis that your mark may not change.
See also
Support to improve academic performance
See support services available for you!
Check your eligibility to graduate
Are you eligible to graduate?