Please participate in the myExperience Survey and take the opportunity to share your constructive thoughts on your learning experience. Your contributions help your teachers and shape the future of education at UNSW.
Give your responses in confidence
The University collects your personal information for the purpose of collating survey results and verifying that you are eligible to submit a survey response.
Your identity is not released to teaching staff and you are not identified in any reports.
Your teachers will never see your name or zID. Read the myExperience Survey Privacy Statement.
We release one report for each course and only include the answers to questions and comments only for the class as a whole.
What you say can never influence your marks
We do not release myExperience reports to staff or students until results are officially published.
However, if you provide identifying information within your responses to the 'open comments' question, this information may be available in the survey results.
Constructive responses help us to make decisions
Please ensure your comments are as constructive, accurate and detailed as possible. Respectful, issue-focussed suggestions for improvements encourage innovation and professional development.
Your thoughts can make a big difference.
Find out how your responses have led to change
A page will be available in Moodle so teaching staff can inform students of the changes implemented as a result of student responses.
You can also check out the QILT SES and myExperience dashboard, available to all staff and students.
This displays quantitative data for courses where there are at least two academic staff teaching and where there are ten or more responses.
How do I log in?
myExperience has two sets of questions: course questions and teacher questions (see below).
- Log in to Moodle to find your surveys, or log in directly to myExperience.
- Once logged in, you will see a list of your available surveys - one for each course you are enrolled in.
- Follow each link and provide feedback for the relevant course or teacher(s).
- A deadline is shown for each survey on the list.
What kind of response can I leave?
Survey reports are sent to course authorities and teachers so that they can respond to myExperience thoughts. The improvements made as a result of your thoughts may include changes to course delivery methods, reading lists, and course content.
Both the course and teacher surveys have two open questions for you to give specific responses on your courses and teachers. Use these open questions to express your concerns and suggestions - these can be the most valuable part of the surveys.
Be constructive by providing comments and recommendations that can lead to better processes or improved behaviours. Your comments might include letting someone know what they are doing well or things they could change to make the content easier to understand.
Your responses must always be courteous, tolerant and respectful as required by the UNSW Student Code of Conduct.
Some tips on providing course comments:
- Be thoughtful, fair and constructive.
- With a focus on learning and teaching activities, be specific and provide relevant examples to illustrate your point.
- Avoid comments which are personal or inappropriate such as comments about dress or appearance.
- Do not write anything that is offensive, racist or sexist.
Response examples:
- Instead of saying "The class was great." explain why the class was great. For example - "The class was great. The information was well organised and presented and the explanations were easy to follow".
- Instead of "I enjoyed this course". say "I enjoyed this course because the teacher used interesting examples that made the class relevant and easy to understand."
- Instead of "I couldn't understand anything he said", try "He should explain difficult concepts in depth rather than just reading from slides" or "When he used jargon that we didn't know, I had trouble taking notes because I didn't understand the words well enough to write them down accurately."
When are the surveys open?
You will receive an email when myExperience is open and ready for you to complete – just follow the personalised link to access your survey.
myExperience will also be promoted in Moodle, so look out for this on your course pages.
You can also login directly to myExperience or find the link in the top left hand corner of myUNSW.
A course is surveyed each time it is offered. For courses which run in the standard UNSW academic calendar, the surveys will open approximately 2 to 3 weeks before the end of the teaching period. All surveys close before the exam period.
AGSM, UG Medicine and UNSW Canberra surveys operate to their academic calendars and have similar evaluation periods.
Are my responses confidential?
The myExperience survey is completely confidential, but please note it is not anonymous.
The survey is conducted in accordance with the myExperience Survey Procedure and the myExperience Survey Privacy Statement.
Your responses will be managed in accordance with the Data Governance Policy and reported in an aggregated manner - no individual will be identified in the reporting of the survey results.
By submitting your feedback, you are agreeing that it can be used for legitimate university teaching and research purposes.
What are the survey questions?
There are two sets of questions in the myExperience survey – course questions and teacher questions. The same teacher questions are asked for all teachers i.e. lecturers and tutors.
Course Questions
1. I felt part of a learning community.
2. The feedback helped me learn.
3. The course resources helped me learn.
4. The assessment tasks were relevant to the course content.
5. Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of the course.
6. What were the best things about this course? [Open comments]
7. What could be improved? [Open comments]
Teacher Questions
1. This teacher encouraged student participation.
2. This teacher provided helpful feedback.
3. Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this person's teaching.
4. The best features of this person's teaching were__. [Open comments]
5. This person's teaching could be improved by__. [Open comments]
Note - in the live myExperience survey, the teacher's [Preferred name] + [Last name] will be listed in replacement of 'this teacher' i.e. 'Joe Bloggs encouraged student participation'