If you gain entry into a program at UNSW, you may be eligible for credit for courses (subjects) studied at another institution. To be awarded these credits, UNSW would need to assess the courses or combination of courses as equivalent to UNSW courses. Credit transfer is also known as 'advanced standing'.

The awarded credits are governed by the Program rules and the Rules covering credit. It is essential that you submit your application for credit transfer as early as possible (read more).

You can apply for credit transfer by completing the relevant forms below and attaching the course outlines:

The final approval for credit transfers resides with the Faculty/School offering the course.

Course outline requirements

The following components are required when submitting course outlines:

  • Course code and title
  • Course description
  • Total hours for the whole course (e.g. How many lecture/tutorial hours per week and how many weeks per semester)
  • Assessment weighting schedules (e.g. 30% mid-semester exam, 70% final exam etc.)
  • Weekly topic schedule (i.e. Which topics were taught in each week)

Optional components that may be required:

  • Textbook materials used
  • Credit units for the course and total credit units for a full-time student per semester

Go8 Credit Transfer Agreement

The Go8 universities (Adelaide, Melbourne, Monash, ANU, Queensland, Sydney, NSW and WA) have developed a Credit Transfer Agreement to enhance the mobility of students between Go8 institutions by facilitating the transfer of credit from one Go8 university to another. This Agreement is based on an acceptance that the assessment regimes at all Go8 universities are comparable and transferable.

See next

Domestic students

Information for local students: Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or New Zealand citizens.

How to get started at UNSW

International students

Information for international students on getting started and settling in to life at UNSW Sydney, Australia.

How to get started at UNSW
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