Here you can find important information for online assessments.

Online exam preparation checklist

All students should follow this Online Exam Preparation Checklist prior to their exam or assessment.

Don't have a suitable study space or computer?

The UNSW Main, Law and Paddington Libraries have opened up a small number of socially distant study spaces which you are currently able to book. Please note that spaces are limited, so it will be important to book in advance. Further information on how to book a study session, as well as opening times is on the UNSW Library website.

During the exam period, the Library also plans to enable reservations on a number of fixed PCs and loanable laptops for those students who require access to a computer. Please continue to check the UNSW Library website for further information regarding this.

Technical issues

If you experience a technical issue that is beyond your control and impacts on your ability to complete an assessment, you should submit a Special Consideration application (immediately, at the conclusion of your assessment) and upload relevant documentation that clearly demonstrates your circumstances and their impact.

In order to apply, you should:

  • Take screenshots of as many of the following as possible:  
    • error messages
    • screen not loading 
    • timestamped speed tests  
    • power outage maps 
    • messages or information from your internet provider regarding the issues experienced

All screenshots must include the date and time the issue occurred.

  • You must contact the Course Authority, Tutor or Exam Supervisor via email, Moodle or chat or advise the Exam Supervisor that you are experiencing a technical issue, as soon as possible.  
  • Submit a Special Consideration application immediately at the conclusion of your assessment and upload your screenshots.
  • Your special consideration application will be reviewed, and an outcome updated within 3-5 working days.  

The acceptable formats for supporting documents are pdf, png, gif or doc and the files must be less than 3MB. If you have more than 3MB of supporting documentation or other file types (ie. video) that you would like to include with your application, please submit these directly to [email protected] after submitting your formal application through myUNSW.

Computer Updates

You must ensure that auto-updates are disabled on your computer prior to the online assessment.

Special Consideration will not be awarded on the grounds that your computer performed an update during an online assessment.

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