Special Consideration

I can't log in to the Special Consideration portal

If you are having issues accessing the Special Consideration portal, please try the following: 

  • use a desktop computer or laptop
  • use a different browser (Firefox is recommended)
  • use an incognito/private window
  • clear your cache (browsing history) 
  • if you are receiving an ‘invalid user ID/password’ error message, you must reset your password via https://iam.unsw.edu.au/home 

If you are still experiencing issues accessing the portal, please email the Student Case Review team. You MUST include your student ID, the course you are applying for and any screenshots of the issues you are experiencing.

Can I provide more supporting documentation after applying?

Yes. Should you wish to provide further documentation after applying, please follow these steps:

  1. Select your application in your 'My Applications' page by clicking on it
  2. Scroll down to Attachment
  3. Choose the file(s) you want to add
  4. Click on the yellow "Upload" button at the bottom right to submit your documents.

Please note that further documents can only be added to applications with the following status:

  • Submitted
  • Decision Made - On Hold or
  • Decision Made - Document(s) added

Once your application has been processed, you will not be able to add further documentation. Please review your outcome for further information.

Do I need to apply for Special Consideration if I'm missing a class?

You only need to apply for Special Consideration if you are missing a class that meets the following criteria:

  • class participation that counts towards your final mark (check your course outline), or
  • puts you under the minimum attendance requirements for your course, or
  • if you have an in-class assessment that day.

What should I do if I am feeling unwell on the day of my exam?

If, before an exam, you feel unwell to the point that you believe you cannot sit the exam, you should follow these steps:

  • You must see a medical practitioner and provide a medical certificate dated within 24 hours of the exam
  • The medical certificate must cover the exam date
  • You must submit a special consideration application within 3 working days of the exam.

Please keep in mind that if you sit or access your exam on the scheduled date, you will no longer be eligible for Special Consideration.

My assessment type is not in the Special Consideration portal

If your assessment type is not in the Special Consideration portal, please choose the closest type of assessment and explain in more detail in the summary box in your application.

Can I apply for Special Consideration for all my assessments?

Special Consideration is for a short-term circumstance that impacts your performance during a particular study or assessment period. 

If your circumstance will be long-term or is recurring and will impact your performance across multiple assessment periods, you should consider using other student support services that UNSW can provide. 

In particular, you may wish to learn more about the Equitable Learning Service for help with ongoing educational adjustments.

You can still apply for Special Consideration for multiple assessments. 

I'm registered with Equitable Learning Service, do I need to apply?

If you are registered with Equitable Learning Services, you should only apply for Special Consideration where: 

  • The ELP is not approved/developed with ELS at the time of the assessment deadline
  • Your condition/s exacerbates and its impact on you is beyond the assistance provided by the adjustments in the ELP
  • Your request for special consideration is not related to your registered condition/s.

Find out more about Equitable Learning Services

I'm in a different time zone and my exam is scheduled at very early or late, can I apply for Special Consideration to sit at an alternative time?

Students studying remotely who have exams scheduled between 10pm and 7am local time, can apply for Special Consideration and a supplementary exam will be held at a time outside of these hours. Students who are applying for this reason MUST apply no later than 5 days before the scheduled date of the timed assessment.

Please note that all exams and assessment items are set to Sydney, Australian Eastern Standard or Daylight Time (AEST/AEDT).

I experienced a technical issue during my assessment

Technical issues may include an inability to log in to your device. 

Take screenshots of as many of the following as possible:  

  • error messages 

  • screen not loading 

  • time-stamped speed tests  

  • power outage maps 

  • messages or information from your internet provider regarding the issues experienced 

All screenshots must include the date and time the issue occurred. 

You must contact the Course Authority, Tutor or Exam Supervisor via email, Moodle or chat to advise that you are experiencing a technical issue, as soon as possible.   

Submit a Special Consideration application immediately at the conclusion of your assessment and upload your screenshots.

There's a planned power outage in my area on the day of my exam

First try to find an alternative location to sit your exam.  The UNSW Library is open and students can book in and reserve socially distant areas to study in: https://www.library.unsw.edu.au/about-unsw-library/opening-hoursPlease note you will be required to bring your own device to complete the task 

If you are unable to find an alternative venue, submit a special consideration application before the date of your exam and provide supporting documentation that includes the dates of the planned outage.

My device ran out of battery during my exam

It is expected that students will be prepared for their assessments, meaning that all devices should be charged and ready. Not having charged your device before or during your exam is not an acceptable reason for special consideration. 

My computer started updating during the assessment 

You must ensure that auto-updates are disabled on your computer prior to the online assessment.

Special Consideration will not be awarded on the grounds that your computer updated during your online assessment.

I did not save my work and I lost my files

It is expected that students will save their work on an online file storage service, therefore this would not be an acceptable reason for Special Consideration. UNSW offers all students with 5TB of online file storage through Microsoft OneDrive, which students are encouraged to use: https://www.myit.unsw.edu.au/services/students/storage/microsoft-onedrive

I accidentally uploaded incorrect files when submitting answers

Students are responsible for checking their work before uploading, therefore uploading the incorrect file(s) would not be an acceptable reason for Special Consideration.  

Short Extension

What do I do if a Short Extension is unavailable, or if I didn't apply on time?

If you have circumstances that meet the eligibility criteria and have the appropriate supporting documentation, you can apply for Special Consideration up to 3 working days after the assessment due date.

Late applications for Special Consideration will only be considered if your documentation demonstrates an inability to submit on time.

Why can't I see my course in the application portal?

This may be because your course does not have a Short Extension available for any assessment or the term/teaching period has not yet commenced. Please check your course outline or Learning Management System (LMS), such as Moodle for more information.

I'm registered with Equitable Learning Services (ELS), can I apply for a Short Extension too?

Students with an applicable Equitable Learning Plan (ELP) are able to decide whether their ELP or the Short Extension best serves their unique needs on a case-by-case basis for each assessment task applicable for Short Extension. 

The assessment deadline is extended by either the ELP or the Short Extension period, but not both. A Special Consideration application is required for any further extension.

What is my revised due date and time?

You can view your revised due date in the Short Extension Student Portal.

You are expected to submit the assessment at the same time as the previous due date (eg. If the assignment was due at 11:59pm, then it will be due at 11:59pm on the revised due date).

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