This page lists the UNSW prize winners for 2021.

We congratulate all medallists and prize winners on their excellent performance!

University Medallists

The University Medal is one of the most distinguished awards to be bestowed on an undergraduate.

University Medallists 2021

University Medal in Actuarial Studies: Y Li
University Medal in Actuarial Studies: K Sun
University Medal in Aeronautical Engineering: EC Yeo
University Medal in Anatomy: LE Corban
University Medal in Art Theory: GE De Lacy
University Medal in Bioinformatics Engineering : CJ Watson
University Medal in Ceramic Engineering: J Jiang
University Medal in Ceramic Engineering: B Pudadera
University Medal in Chemical Engineering: HE McGeorge
University Medal in Chemical Engineering: TO McMahon
University Medal in City Planning: AJJ Hather
University Medal in Civil Engineering: P Kesuma
University Medal in Civil Engineering with Architecture : Y Wang
University Medal in Creative Writing: DL Marcus
University Medal in Design: CM Metcalfe
University Medal in Economics: C Jiang
University Medal in Economics: J Wang
University Medal in Electrical Engineering: JA Millward
University Medal in Environmental Engineering : JB Fraser
University Medal in Film Studies: AE Cataldo
University Medal in Finance: EYJ Wang
University Medal in Industrial Design: NBN Ky
University Medal in Information Systems: LKH Wong
University Medal in Interior Architecture: KM Essex
University Medal in Interior Architecture: CKY Ng
University Medal in Landscape Architecture: SH Lockwood
University Medal in Laws: EI Gorur 
University Medal in Mechanical and Manufacuring Engineering: AD Air
University Medal in Mechanical Engineering: N Chen
University Medal in Mechanical Engineering: J Sengmany
University Medal in Mechatronic Engineering: W Chen
University Medal in Media Arts: CA McFadden
University Medal in Medicinal Chemistry: O Girgis-Cook
University Medal in Medicine: NA Chang
University Medal in Molecular and Cell Biology: AOF Lee
University Medal in Molecular and Cell Biology: GT Pfundstein
University Medal in Music: SC Jackson
University Medal in Neuroscience: EL Kwok
University Medal in Pathology: MJR Zhang
University Medal in Petroleum Engineering: GAW Aljuhani
University Medal in Photovoltaics and Solar Energy: JF Yates
University Medal in Physics: ID Thorvaldson
University Medal in Psychology: CR Tedesco
University Medal in Pure Mathematics: LWDR Wijesena
University Medal in Quantitative Risk: MJ Bellamy
University Medal in Software Engineering: HJ Scott
University Medal in Statistics: RA Cantwell
University Medal in Vision Science: Z Fakih

UNSW Prizes

By Faculty:

UNSW Arts, Design and Architecture

The Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture Best Doctoral Thesis Prize: BL Croft

The Faculty of Arts, Design and Architecture Dean's List:
QN Abdul Aziz, B Abdulkwahar Aziz, N Abedi, T Abou Dib, SA Abraham, BD Adams, CL Adams, RK Adamson, RA Ahmed, NR Aiton, BP Akres, J Alam, J Alice, GS Alima, KJ Alipio, KA Allen, MJ 
Allen, DL Altavilla, SH Altona, MA Alzubaidi, M Amos, AB An, EK Anderson, EW Anderson, LG Anderson, SS Anderson, JN Andrade, L Andreoni, CG Andrews, S Androulis, NE Angelidis, LG Angles, LF Angus, RM Angus, J Anstee, LM Apter, AA Argirou, RL Argos, AM Arkapaw, AC Arrigoni, DH Au, S Au, J Au-Yeung, NM Aung, TH Awford, LN Awwad, RL Ayre, CV Baba, I Babana, II Backer, JA Bacon, J Bae, SR Baggott, Y Bahlawan, Z Bai, CI Bailey, EM Bailey, KN Bailey, SG Baker, Z Bakerman, JA Bankowski, ER Bannerman, S Bansal, G Barbara, SG Barber, CA Bardos, HJ Barko, LE Barlow, NL Barnes, TR Barnett, JJ Baron, H Barone-Peters, NG Baroy, TM Barth, B Bartlett, CD Bassil, CG Bateman, JA Bautista, UC Baviskar, WW Beare, DE Beattie, SI Beaumont, D Bee Olmedo, RS Begbie, AE Bell, JR Belzycki, AE Bennett, CC Bennett-Hill, MM Berdoukas, AP Berg, ZE Berg, JS Berowne, MK Berry, NS Berry, EM Berzins, EJ Best, SA Bhadale, Z Bi, JT Bills, DA Bird, JL Bird, TA Bird, ER Black, HA Black, EB Blainey, HJ Bland, JE Blatch-Williams, EJ Blaxell, DJ Blecher, CE Blick, SE Blumberg, CR Bond-Quist, SD Borges, KJ Borghero, EA Bourke, S Boustead, CE Bowd, IC Bowers, CM Boyd, JL Braid, LK Braun, GM Brigg, ZF Briscoe-Hough, NS Brobyn, LM Brook, LG Brooks, AS Brown, PJ Brown, RA Brown, SC Brown, NP Browne, A Buchen, BM Buchner, EM Buckland-Watts, RY Bulanadi, MD Burch, LJ Burfield, PA Burge, CJ Burke, JL Burleigh, AR Burrett, IG Burton-Clark, L Butler, NA Butler, JJ Byun, S Byun, JA Cain, AR Calabrese, NM Camilleri, AF Campbell, AL Campbell, CA Campbell, IA Campbell, SE Campbell, CM Canduci, C Cao, Z Cao, EM Carnegie, MK Carragher, CP Carroll, MR Carroll, JL Carter, S Cassidy, BK Cassisi, EL Catania, MG Cavaleri, N Cavaliere, CS Celestia, SI Celik, S Chakravarthy, JJ Chambers, CH Chan, CH Chan, EC Chan, HL Chan, JH Chan, KW Chan, KW Chan, NR Chand, LM Chandler, OR Chandler, LH Chang, W Chang, ZH Chang, AR Chapman, EC Chapman, LA Charlier, KY Chau, TC Chau, KB Chavda, SH Chazan, K Che, WJ Cheah, AZ Chen, C Chen, CY Chen, GE Chen, JM Chen, K Chen, L Chen, L Chen, M Chen, Q Chen, QJ Chen, Y Chen, YV Chen, Y Chen, Y Chen, Z Chen, EW Cheng, J Cheng, J Cheung, RY Chew, AJ Chicote, JL Chieng, CI Childs, ZB Chivizhe, HJ Cho, SB Cho, JY Choi, TW Choi, C Chong, GJ Chong, K Choucroun Amar, KY Chow, LR Christen, CC Christensen, SJ Christie, CS Chua, MS Chye, LN Cimilio, LE Clark, SN Clarke, SA Classen, IA Clements, SA Cleminson, A Cliff, SL Clifford, PJ Clutton, J Coleman, EL Collins, JS Collins, MJ Collins, G Comacchio, ER Connolly, M Constantine, BM Contador-Kelsall, AJ Conyer, BC Cook, LC Cook, NJ Cook, GC Cooke, B Cooley, KG Cooney, HC Copas, SB Coper, FE Cormack, EK Cox, ZI Coyne, LJ Crawford, RE Creasey, CE Cripps-Kennedy, V Crowle, F Crowley, MM Cruickshank, C Cui, S Curukovska, H Czaban, AS Czezowski, RA Daher, S Dahiya, BP Daley, SD Dalziell, KL Dampney, KR Darby, AC David, AG Davies, BA Davies, JM Davies, NL Davis, EL Davison, SJ Day, FJ De Asis, DC De Bellis, FC De Jong, CL De Laine, MJ De Leon, G De Miranda Lauria, BM De Moel, JC De Rosa, NM De Vries, AM Dela Cruz, AC Delaney, HJ Delaney, H Denis, NA Dent, AI Desailly, J Di Mattina-Beven, SP Dias, C Diasinos, AG Dibbs-McQuaid, LJ Digby, A Ding, KJ Ding, CH Dinh, PS Dobbie, ME Doherty, KM Dohnal, TS Donaldson, L Dong, ML Donohoe, SK Doornbos, AD Dorian, RJ Dossetor, A Doueihi, EJ Dowling, WW Downey, ME Doyle, AD Drego, M Drengenberg, LR Drysdale, Q Du, W Du, Y Du, I Dubrovina, ZC Duc, HW Dudding, AJ Duncan, SN Dunn, D Duong, ER Duong, L Duong, JJ Dwyer, NL Earle, SC Easton, C Eckmann, PJ Edelstein, AS Edinburg, KM Edstein, GM Edwards, EL Egan, IR Egan, KJ Egan, O Einav, JK Eisenhauer, S El-Daoud, M El-Kashouty, P Elafros, Z Elkheir, EM Ellis, A Elshaikh, RJ Endacott, TD Enriquez, SL Eriksson, S Ermilova, PL Escorrido, AB Espiritu, KM Essex, PM Estens, MB Evans, DP Fagan, ER Fagan, RL Faint, TV Faivre, CJ Falconer, JJ Fan, J Fang, JG Farleigh, KI Faulkner, KE Faulkner, RJ Fela, CW Feldman-Gubbay, HJ Felton, ER Fender, FWY Feng, T Feng, Y Feng, YZ Feng, RS Fengitis, AN Ferguson, BL Ferguson, JJ Fernandez, WM Ferris, LF Fewtrell, FR Fielding, KT Finch, CH Firmstone, HA Fisher, JF Fisher, BJ Fitzmaurice, AL Focic, BF Foo, NT Foo, AZ Ford, J Fornasaro, ER Foster, EL Foster, HK Foster, TJ Francis, AV Franco, MA Freer, IR Friedberg, EM Frith, IR Froebel, V Frost, DG Fry, BH Fung, SP Furlong, VL Gabriel, SM Gallagher, A Gambino, S Gan-Erdene, S Gao, T Gao, W Gao, KT Garbourg, WS Garing, M Gasham, KJ Gatenby, AE Gatwood, EF Gautheron, IJ Gay, Y Ge, IA Geha, Z Geng, OT Gengos, BJ Gerofi, N Geroulas, CR Gerry, SN Ghahani, B Gharagozloo, UC Gharat, F Ghasemian, S Ghattas, LR Gibbons, JL Gibson, SA Giezekamp, MJ Gillies, JO Gillis, DB Gilroy, DM Gitman, LC Gleeson, BT Goh, JY Goh, EL Golden, MC Goldman, Z Golemola, MS Gomes, AN Gondoputro, ST Goodsell, AJ Goud, EA Gounder, K Govender, EC Graaf, JL Grace, IR Graczyk Van Herk, S Graddon, ZK Graddon, KM Graham, AM Grant, NA Grant, LA Green, MR Green, NJ Green, OM Green, AC Gregory, CP Greig, CH Griffiths, A Guan, A Guerman, AR Guinto, TJ Gummery, N Gumulya, DB Gunzenhauser, AY Guo, J Guo, A Ha, E Hagistefanis, Y Hai, MM Hakeem, C Hakim, CA Hall, J Hall, TM Hallahan, SM Hammoud, C Han, G Han, TM Han, Y Han, A Hanna, DJA Hannaford, CM Hannigan, BS Hannouch, SS Hansen, SB Hansen, CA Harbutt, TK Hardcastle, JL Hargreaves, R Harrison Lorenzi, EL Harrison, G Hartono, CB Hartwell, F Hasler, FK Hassabalnaby, K Hassan, MB Hasseler, AJ Hather, EE Hayes, SK Hayim, CJ Hayman, VL Haynes, LC Hayward, E He, H He, W He, X He, AG Heal, NA Hebden, EC Heidke, EK Heiler, J Helou, NP Helsby-Clark, HA Heng, SJ Herbert, LG Hernandez, RA Hertz, AE Herz, P Hick, VM Hill, RE Hing, SV Hingmire, NL Hirst, K Hishi, AJ Hitchcock, CY Ho, CY Ho, HJ Ho, S Ho, S Ho, DM Hobbs, HL Holder, JT Holding, LK Holliday, JJ Hollis, MW Holt, S Honcoote, MM Honeyman, LE Hooper, EJ Hopkins, SJ Hopkins, KT Horsley, CE Horton, SB Hoschke, AR Hosking, KM Hourn, LE Howe, ER Howes, ST Hridi, I Hsieh, Y Hu, N Hua, L Huang, SH Huang, X Huang, Y Huang, YW Huang, Y Huang, Z Huang, Z Huang, BM Hudson, SN Huin, RA Huisman, AP Humphreys, WL Hung, RL Hungerford, JA Huntsman, S Husic, M Hussain, MS Hutchison, TB Huynh, SR Ibanez Cruz, MS Ibbett, S Ibrahim, KO Ingleson, MJ Ingram, SH Inn, YC Ip, OG Iredale, AT Irwin, Y Ito, K Jackaman, CE Jackson, NS Jackson, SC Jackson, B Jacobs, RL Jacobs, D Jadraque, T Jain, KL Jakosalem, V Jane, CU Jang, R Jannah, J Jap, MJ Jarrett, N Jay, K Jeanson, IR Jedlicka, S Jeffery, N Jelwan, ML Jensen, RO Jepson, MJ Jessup, H Jiang, J Jiang, Y Jiang, Y Jiao, CG Jin, B Jing, WC Joannides, EC Johns, SI Johnson, CB Johnston, S Jose, L Jovanovic, GN Jowitt, FR Jozeps, D Juca De Lima Oliveira, RA Jude, KA Jung, R Jung, CC Jurisic, EK Kallmier, M Kang, SY Kang, JC Karabesinis, A Karan, S Karimova, A Karlina, AC Karraz, E Karsai, A Karskens, EG Kasiou, JI Katafono, LA Katakouzinos, NJ Katehos, MN Kbar, VH Keane, HR Kelly, GE Kennedy, SL Kennedy, KR Kenney, WG Kerridge, SL Kerridge-Creedy, KE Kershaw, CM Khalil, K Khammarath, NA Khan, SI Khan, S Khazaal, HW Khine, VK Khoury, MD Kilpelainen, A Kim, DJ Kim, IH Kim, RJ Kim, CA Kindl, AJ King, LC King, LC Kirkland, TJ Knight, AS Knox, AG Ko, CY Ko, EF Koch, AG Kodhyat, HR Kohler, NI Kong, S Kong, J Kontogiorgis, CC Kopanidis, AN Kormas, SD Kottegoda, J Kouch, H Kourouche, S Kremer, KE Krit, EJ Kruger, SL Kuijper, M Kumar, SD Kumar, MD Kut King Kan, ZY Kwan, CP Kweesar, CW Kwong, NB Ky, NA Kyriacou, CP La Macchia, MM La, SD Laanani, J Lahoud, AM Lahtinen, A Lai, A Lai, JT Lai, JY Lai, J Lai, GM Lam, EJ Lambert, MR Lamond, SI Lancaster, SA Landgren, W Lang, PM Langtry, JC Lasky, M Latouf, S Lau, THS Lau, TH Lau, G Lawless, MM Lawrence, K Lawson, AP Lay, S Lay, C Le, F Le, S Le, EA Leavy, H Leckenby, C Lee, DY Lee, HE Lee, HF Lee, JW Lee, J Lee, LD Lee, MW Lee, ND Lee, NX Lee, SS Lee, S Lee, V Lee, Y Lee, Y Lee, CH Leigh, ER Leitch, NL Lenoir-Jourdan, EA Leong, JA Leong, CN Leung, TS Levin, JA Lewis, RD Lewis, AI Leydman, C Li, D Li, D Li, EY Li, HQ Li, JM Li, J Li, J Li, JJ Li, JL Li, J Li, J Li, KY Li, P Li, SH Li, S Li, Y Li, Y Li, Z Li, C Liang, J Liang, L Liang, S Liang, VQ Liang, Y Liang, LO Liau, MR Lidbury, DJ Lidster, AY Liem, AW Lim, KK Lim, S Lim, DY Lin, EQ Lin, J Lin, AM Lincoln, JC Lindblom, EM Lindeback, T Ling, JD Lingam Lakshmanan, AM Linton, JW Littlewood, B Liu, C Liu, H Liu, JJ Liu, K Liu, KK Liu, S Liu, X Liu, Y Liu, Y Liu, LP Lo Cascio, MI Lo Russo, BC Lo, MC Lo, RF Lo, AM Locke, SH Lockwood, L Lofberg, CE Loh, JD Long, CA Lopez, JM Lopez, JK Lorking, TA Lotay, WP Low, AJ Lowe, EJ Lowenstein, JA Lowrie, S Lu, Y Lu, Z Lu, AM Lubrainschik, VM Lubrano, DN Lucas, IG Luciani, PC Lui, GA Luikens, L Lun, VW Lun, R Luo, Y Luo, NT Luong, SJ Luong, V Luong, B Luu, CJ Ly, T Ly, MK Lynam, HO Lynn, Z Lyu, IE Mabin, LJ Macann, AW Macauslan, AI Macdonald, O Macphail, F Macpherson, CE Macri, SI Madanayake, HC Mae, JD Mager, AM Maguire, N Mahajan, MJ Maher, K Mahfouz, YS Malak, E Malik, S Malik, N Mam, OC Manfrin, SJ Mano, J Manolias, MC Mantel, JJ Manwaring, W Mao, DK Maras, MF Mardini, TA Marquardt, F Marques Ferreira, EP Marsh, LA Marshall, BR Marzol, GC Marzulli, KN Mason, KL Matangira, AH Mateo, AK Mathias, CA Matus Casanova, AJ Matusko, BJ Maxwell, B McCarthy, SR McCoy, AJ McDonald, JS McDonald, NM McDonald, CA McFadden, F McFloofkins, AM McGilchrist, BM McGowen, RT McGregor, JA McGuire, CG McGuirk, AG McKew, AC McLennan, RG McLoughlin, JB McLuckie, CD McWhinnie, AM Measday, LM Medlin, CB Megahey, E Mehdizadeh Amiraski, S Mehtani, MR Melamed, M Mellsop, LH Meltzer, E Menaker, L Meng, GM Mentis, AG Menyhart, ME Menzel, IM Menzies, LM Meola, KE Mesaglio, TC Meskin, JL Messih, CM Metcalfe, H Meyer, ML Meyers, SJ Micallef, H Michael, SL Michell, GA Mihill, DL Milagre, D Mileto, J Milkovitsch, AC Milligan, JN Milligan, RJ Milliss, D Mills, KL Minnett, MA Moclair-Adams, Y Moh'D, A Mok, AG Moliterno, NG Monaghan, LE Montague, GS Monteiro, RJ Montgomery, CA Moore, KK Morel, M Morita, KM Morris, ZK Morris, GC Morrison, EM Moses, SK Mosquera, EK Moss, S Mouait, AL Moulis, AG Mountfort, M Moussa, AE Moutzouris, MH Mudie, C Mulia, H Mun, HH Munasinha, DL Muresan, AD Murphy, LC Murphy, DP Murray, JL Murray, LM Murray, A Musarra, S Musel, XA Muston, LP Naco, A Naidoo, NT Namira, V Narayanan, C Nascimento Mattos, AB Nasri, . Nathasha Shaju Mulakkal, TJ Ndei, AR Nel, BA Nelson, TC Newby, EM Newman Winch, RA Newman, RJ Newman, EF Ng, HY Ng, JZ Ng, JC Ng, JS Ng, KH Ng, VW Ng, WT Ng, CV Nguyen, J Nguyen, KT Nguyen, KT Nguyen, LT Nguyen, TL Nguyen, V Nguyen, Y Ngwenya, RJ Nicholas, Z Nicholls, FA Nichols, BJ Nicholson, JE Nicholson, LD Nicholson, JN Nicolaou, CJ Nobes, AJ Noble, SB Nocelli, NQ Norisham, FA Nos Rocha, IG Notarpietro, HJ Nott, NS Nursalim, PB Nuttall, AL Nyholm, FE O'Connor, CM O'Donnell, ES O'Donnell, CM O'Donoghue, BM O'Keeffe, DG O'Keeffe, AJ O'Meara, MJ O'Mullane, C O'Reilly, JJ O'Reilly, JA O'Shea, KV Oastler, MA Odelli, LM Odins, CS Oh, IJ Old, MA Olife, SM Oo, KJ Ormsby Howard, SA Ortega, KR Osborne, A Osborne-Snell, Z Ou, W Ouyang, AA Pacey, EG Pacholke, P Palakawong Na Ayuttaya, AC Panchal, L Pang, J Pangallo, SI Pannell, TS Parameswaran, D Paraschos, R Parij, AN Parikh, HW Park, JH Park, KJ Parkes, EJ Parsons, SE Parsons, LD Parsons-O'Malley, JT Patterson, CE Paul, SR Payne, CM Pazpinis, MM Peachey, MC Pearson Gotting, JD Peiris, JE Peiser-Oliver, PK Pena Oyarzun, LW Peng, S Pennisi, BS Perera, CL Perez Thompson, LG Peters, AM Petersen, OC Petersen, J Petkovic, KI Petkovich, V Petrou, JL Petrovski, DA Petrozzi, AM Pettifer, EN Pham, J Pham, S Pham, T Pham, J Phan, QT Phan, VP Phan, O Pheap, J Phu-Ly, AM Picones, B Pierotti, SJ Pietsch, IP Pike, BS Pilman, IM Pinaroc, KM Pincaro, EB Pinkerton, CR Pinnell, CJ Pizzinato, CA Platzer, AK Plotnikoff, CA Plotnikoff, N Podlasov, S Pompanya, A Ponkratieva, HJ Powell, JE Powell, AB Power, AJ Power, BE Powles, EJ Pracey, SM Prasad, EW Price, JR Price, KA Price, ML Price, JM Proudman, JA Puckeridge, D Purohit, M Puthenpadath Josy, NR Pybus, W Qi, J Qian, K Qian, Y Qiu, YH Quach, TH Quan, A Raad, HJ Rae, RL Raffaele, C Ragazzone, G Rajeev, S Rajendra, JN Ralph, AD Ram, M Ramanathan, DP Ramos, R Rampal, V Rampal, R Rao, VB Rao, GJ Raptis, M Raveendran, GE Rayment, N Razick, S Razmoska, MM Read, KM Reay, EC Reddy, JI Redfern, SC Redito, A Regan, CR Regan, CM Reid, SJ Reid-Anderson, H Ren, S Ren, LF Resende, K Revadulla, GI Reyanto, J Rhee, VN Richards, OH Richardson, VAZ Ridehalgh, LA Righetti, CM Rinos, CJ Riordan, JC Riordan, JM Rispler, JJ Robertson, RJ Robertson, C Robinson, JA Robson, AG Roditis, HJ Rogers, SC Rogers, S Rogers, EJ Rogut, A Rojas, LN Rolley, P Romruen, BA Rosic, A Ross, N Rossendell, PP Roubis, BJ Rowbotham, IF Rupolo, KG Russell, OPK Russell, AJ Russo, KB Rydstrand, JXT Sa, JJ Saavedra Cardona, MA Saavedra Cardona, JA Sach, C Sae-Yang, N Sakuyama-Chandler, WM Salem, TR Salmon, IK Sampelalong, CM Sant, L Sapcas, AV Sarcasmo, AN Sariaatmadja, A Sarkissian, GS Sasvary, MJ Saunders, J Scandurra, BG Schafer, KS Schaffarczyk McHale, EL Schofield, LE Schofield, SA Schofield, EN Schorowsky, MM Schroeder, JF Schwab, AM Scislowski, PM Sedgwick, AC Seeley, NM Seeto, JL Sferruzzi, XYN Segal, H Sen, P Seo, J Sesmilo El Busto, G Setijadi, PD Sewell, AF Seymour, A Shan, L Shanahan, SK Shankar, A Shankinie, S Sharma, JG Sharp, EJ Shaw, JL Sheen, T Sheikh, KS Shekhawat, LF Sheldon, AE Sheldrick, EG Shelley, C Shen, HTHL Shen, X Shen, F Shepherd, MS Sheppard, GN Sher, JL Sherborne, FT Sheridan, JOL Shipway, MA Shonoda, AS Shoree, AJ Shorehill, MN Short, JA Shreeve, D Silva, MC Silva-Rodriguez Parra, KA Simic, K Simitzis, SPK Simon, TD Sinani, K Singer, MP Singh, MF Siriwatdeth, DHK Siu, SJ Skehan, T Slater, TR Slater, N Sleiman, AEJ Smith, EK Smith, HCM Smith, MR Smith,IF Sofyar, S Soghomonian, N Solbudak, JJ Song, J Song, M Song, Y Song, VCY Soo, PJ Spennato, MS Sprague, LA Springer, THE Stafford, JS Stanbury, RL Staneke, AJ Stanton, LT Staples, R Stavroulakis, R Steaphen, AW Stefas, JD Stein, LR Stevens, OK Stevenson, CWE Stewart, EJLL Stewart, SA Stewart, M Stijakovic, DG Stirzaker, TR Stobo, MG Stolle, LIM Straatveit, BJ Strudwick, HM Stuart, GE Stubbs, J Su, K Subba, Y Successly, JL Sucker-Walton, A Sugito, JG Suh, Y Sui, J Sukiennik, DM Sumner, C Sun, Y Sun, LC Sung, ASM Suoh, S Suryadarma, R Susanto, MP Sweatman, SJ Syme, K Syros, ML Tabuteau, MKYT Tai, Y Takayama, E Takla, IAL Talintyre, C Tam, KRM Tamplin, CDD Tan, JJH Tan, KRH Tan, NCY Tan, RHL Tan, RWY Tan, YX Tan, D Tang, Z Tang, ATY Tarrant, BJ Tate, SEM Tawfik, A Taylor, OR Taylor, PT Tecson, S Teng, TM Thaddea, K Thaisuriyan, OF Tham, RE Thomas, SC Thomas, JCC Thompson, LR Thompson, CCR Thomson, HK Thomson, MD Thomson, MJ Thrum, RCA Thwaites, R Tian, CSY Till, JE Tippett, L Tisch-Bostock, CE Tjong, CA To, Y Tokimoto, ZD Tomaszewski, AA Tong, M Tong, XMB Tonkin, PM Tooth, JP Touffe-Blin, CN Townsend, AYH Tran, AT Tran, C Tran, HTA Tran, JHQ Tran, AR Travan, ML Trewhella, T Trijbetz, K Trinh, JC Troughton, AD Trousdale, QTH Truong, TL Truong, MM Trzecinski, MKC Tsang, AC Tse, LMM Tudehope, A Tun, N Tun, SHY Tun, A Tuna, JJ Tunggono, KK Uncle, EJ Uncles, ODDJ Van Den Bogaerde, LJ Van Den Brink, AJ Van Der Laan De Vries, JG Van Etten, NL Van Vuuren,PJ Vaneris, RM Varley, AMK Vella, I Vellani, TL Venish, EK Vergotis, A Verma, TR Vernon, CA Vernizeau, CR Vertel, LI Vickery, FA Visser, A Vora, EPT Vu, DJ Wade, AK Wadkar, IC Wainwright, L Wainwright, AC Wallace, FCR Wallace, SJ Wallace, EL Walls, AC Walsh, CJ Walsh, PJW Walsh, KP Wan, A Wang, D Wang, JJL Wang, JR Wang, JM Wang, J Wang, J Wang, MC Wang, NA Wang, Q Wang, R Wang, SAD Wang, WW Wang, X Wang, Y Wang, Y Wang, Z Wang, LC Ward Corral, PF Warr, JJ Warren, H Wason, AK Waszczuk, LM Waters, LBD Watson, TG Wayne, BJ Weeramanthri, XML Wen, Y Wen, Z Weng, T Werner, AR Whitby, EJW White, JV White, KM White, EJ Whitehouse, JAC Whitford, JG Whitley Gebert, SW Whybird, JO Widjaja, DLJ Wigston, N Wihandono, CM Williams, ER Williams, MG Williams, MR Williams, NS Williams, SE Williams-Kelly, AG Wilson, DA Wilson, RE Wilton, LL Win Tun, A Wirtz, JA Wohl, BJ Wolnicki, JKS Wong, KH Wong, KX Wong,P Wong, C Wongtienlai, RJ Woods, DKXI Worton, CM Wright, K Wu, M Wu, M Wu, Q Wu, YC Wu, S Wynn, J Xia, K Xian, S Xiao, A Xie, K Xie, W Xie, Z Xie, AH Xu, C Xu, CY Xu, J Xu, J Xu, KD Xu,L Xu, T Xu,S Yalda, ELA Yale, G Yan,X Yang, X Yang, Y Yang, Y Yang, AJX Yao, PM Yao, TE Yapp, SI Yates, J Yeh, HT Yeung, MYY Yeung, E Yin, E Yin, M Yin, DM Yoon, F Yosufi, NJ Youie, LTH Young, H Yu, J Yu, VY Yu, X Yu, Z Yu, M Yuan, X Yue, TCH Yung, OA Yusuf, R Zahra, AR Zaidi, L Zangger-Page, R Zare-Saisan, A Zarthoshtimanesh, K Zdravkovska, E Zein, N Zekanovic, SM Zenari, J Zeng, KYY Zeng, Z Zeng, KG Zerk, Q Zhan, Y Zhan, C Zhang, F Zhang, J Zhang, J Zhang, K Zhang, MCJ Zhang, M Zhang, Q Zhang, S Zhang, SSP Zhang, W Zhang, X Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, ZY Zhang, B Zhao, J Zhao, J Zhao, LA Zhao, R Zhao, Y Zhen, NW Zheng, Y Zheng, C Zhong, M Zhong,  JY Zhou, C Zhu, H Zhu, J Zhu, SH Zhu, SQ Zhu, A Zhuang, C Zhuang, ZY Zhuo, KA Zic, EC Ziegenfusz, C Zou


School of Built Environment

The 1 Bligh Street Master of Architecture Final Year Prize in Sustainable Highrise Architecture: CJ Burke

The Andrew Taylor Memorial Prize: JY Lai

The Belinda Brito Prize for Creativity and Passion in Design: D Juca De Lima Oliveira

The Castle Mountain Prize in the Bachelor of Architectural Studies: JY Goh

The Castle Mountain Prize in the Master of Architecture: AW Lim

The Colin Rowan Prize for Excellence in Graphic Design: NB Ky

The Eric Daniels Prize in Residential Design: JY Goh

The Frank Fox Memorial Prize: W Xie

The Hans Westerman Prize: J Kontogiorgis

The Harry Howard Prize in Landscape Architecture: CM Wright

The Harry Stephens Prize in Interior Architecture: HJ David

The J M Freeland Prize: CM Quinn

The John Shaw Memorial Prize: AJ Hather

The Lindsay Robertson Memorial Prize: JJ Robertson

The Lisa Ettridge Memorial Prize: CJ Burke

The Margot and Neville Gruzman Award for Urban Design in Architecture in Year 1 of the Master of Architecture Program: AR Chapman

The Margot and Neville Gruzman Award for Urban Design in Architecture in Year 2 of the Master of Architecture Program: JC Ng

The Morton Herman Memorial Prize: J Sesmilo El Busto

The Tract Consultants Portfolio Prize: LM Brook


School of Art and Design

The Jenny Birt Prize: AE Bell

The Ross Steele AM Fine Arts Prize: KS Shekhawat

The TWT Excellence Prize: Y Yang

The Tim Olsen Drawing Prize: XA Muston


School of the Arts and Media

The Julian and June Russell Prize: SC Jackson

The Marie Robertson Prize in Media, Culture and Technology: JL Grace

The Marie Robertson Prize in Music: DJ Blecher


School Humanities and Languages

The Australia-Japan Society of NSW Prize: J Fukuta, M Wu

The Dorothy Allison-Furhagen Prize: BJ Wolnicki

The Greg Ashton Prize: EF Koch

The Maxwell Aubrey Phillips Prize: EJ Lowenstein

The NSW Vietnamese-Australian Community Prize: EI Gorur

The Orica Ronnie Harding Prize: JT Patterson, LV Trueb

The Sydney Korean Consul-General Prize: RJ Kim

School Social Sciences

The Helen Sham-Ho Prize: ZY Zhuo

The Kamal Bamadhaj Memorial Prize: MC Silva-Rodriguez

The Owen Harries Prize: H Hameed

The Pamela Ann Yensch Prize: MEE Walker

The Sol Encel Prize: NA Grant

UNSW Business School

The UNSW Business School Dean's Award:
AM Albamonte, AA Alvarez, JG Bailey, MM Bergmann, EK Beullens, X Bian, KA Binti Abdul Hadi, HB Broendal, W Bu, JP Burgess, AL Carter, KM Cashman, CJ Castor, SC Chan, WT Chan, J Chen, X Chen, Y Chen, S Chou, F Ciawinson, EP Cochrane, M De Bosscher, JL Detterer, KD Didimiotis, DL Do, SG Elder, X Fan, W Feng, MJ Galassi Pizarro, J Gao, S Giovanni, SJ Girdlestone, SJ Gregory, AL Hadaway, PX Hannah, JC Hannan, GK Hartanto, V Hettige, KD Hoang, G Hu, Y Huang, L Jacobs, M Jayaraman, L Jiang, W Jiang, X Jin, DG Joyce, NA Kalopita, KM Kivan, MJ Kofoed, S Ku, P Larsen, N Larson, S Lei, G Leone, M Li, P Li, S Li, Y Li, Y Li, J Lin, S Lin, AT Liu, J Liu, L Liu, TY Liu, Y Liu, Z Liu, CI Lopez Navajas, T Lu, WQ Lu, J Macaulay, M Mannheim, A Messina, BH Nasution, CL Nolan, MW Norris, AF Parikh, S Paritova, SY Patel, S Piao, B Qi, PR Rajapaksa Mudiyanselage, E Safira, P Sajjachareonpong, N Stapleton, J Surjadi, E Tahlita, K Tang, CO Tanjung, Y Tao, DJ Thornton, JP Tucker, SL Vedula, PS Wang, X Wang, Y Wang, BT Whyatt, FS Wijaya, Q Xie, MS Xu, X Yan, N Yang, X Yang, SM Yar, Z You, X Yuan, Z Zeng, P Zhang, R Zhang, W Zhang, W Zhang, Y Zhang, YG Zhang, Z Zhang

The UNSW Business School Dean's Award - Stage 1:
LE Alvarez Rodriguez, QA Bangash, CT Brannon, M Cai, L Cheung, JT Chia, FA Chowdhury, HP Dinh, TJ Elkovich, G Goodman, L He, JT Ho, CX Huang, Y Jiang, MD Kearney, MT Khawaja, S Koller, C Kostopoulos, SY Lam, AY Lee, JM Leung, M Li, F Liu, S Lou, AL Lu, TJ Lu, J Ly, T Madfouni, TR McCann, VM Mehta, LJ Murphy, NA Pender, D Rajasundaram, H Singh, EJ Su, T Sukkar, S Sun, S Tang, K Thevarajah, SK Vu, AR Wang, CL Wang, S Wang, EA Williams, EB Wong, OD Yang, JY Zhang, RQ Zheng, JH Zhou

The UNSW Business School Dean's Award - Stage 2:
EJ Cai, MCY Chan, JJ Chen, MH Choi, E Dao, RL Davis, AK Garg, KT Glover, DA Goh, Z Han, EC Huynh, JI Jackson, SS Ji, CG Jin, AV Kapoor, HJ Kwon, EW Kwong, S Lakehal, JZ Liang, KW Liao, JJ Lin, A Liu, PG Marshall, S Misra, D Missak, GS Monteiro, AS Nair, HM Nguyen, EG Pacholke, KP Pande, T Peng, CE Pilger, D Rance, J Setiawan, X Su, VR Suri, BJ Sutton, N Tran, P Tran, SL Tran, J Wang, Z Wang, A Weng, AM Witting, NM Wong, MZ Xie, MM Xie, C Yin, J Yip, J Zhang, KT Zhang, YY Zhang, SS Zhou

The UNSW Business School Dean's Award - Stage 3:
G Bai, AS Ball, TA Bhuiyan, BR Biddle, EK Chan, A Chandra, B Chen, F Chen, G Chen, IS Chen, M Chen, S Chow, HC Chu, G Chung, JJ Cleary-Gorton, BE Close, LW Denis, R Dhushiyandan, BJ Dunphy, DM Dwyer, C Fan, A Gariban, MJ Gatto, AD Gomel, N Gupta, CK Ha, A He, TK Hodson, R Hu, AL Huang, Y Huang, A Jiang, T Jiang, C Jin, W Jing, Y Khandelwal, D Komban, VR Kung, MO Kwon, PT Le, HW Lee, JH Lee, J Lee, RY Leigh, H Leung, KZ Lim, ZL Lim, SY Lo, AF Loong, GY Lu, BJ Maher, TH McGregor, BK Mitchley, Y Mo, RJ Mu, S Nair, NT Nguyen, AJ Pang, J Pecovski, MT Pedersen, JR Pierre, ZA Poulos, JD Rusconi, R Safi, KA Sorensen, LM Sparenburg, T Stellino, KC Surjadi, J Taglini, HO Tam, AY Tang, A Tran, JL Turco, AJ Wang, J Wang, MC Wang, M Winfred, V Wong, J Worthington, TD Wu, C Xu, JJ Yu, Y Yu, I Yuan, Y Yuan, Y Zheng, Y Zheng, AJ Zhou, E Zhou, SX Zhou


School of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation

The CPA Australia (NSW Division) Prize: HJ Robinson

The Financial Management Association of Australia Prize in Accounting: BJ Sutton

The Gordon Cooper AM Memorial Prize in Capital Gains Tax: D Stone

The KPMG Prize: R James


The AGSM MBA Director's Prize for the MBA (Executive): SG Elder, HN Richards

The Ariel Prize: JS Wilkin

The Integritas Prize: N Ou

The MBAX Prize: KD Didimiotis, ET Li, S Liang, L Murray, BM Prior, JA Stephen


School of Banking and Finance

The FPA Prize in Financial Planning: R Venkatraman

The Financial Management Association of Australia Prize in Banking and Finance: M Winfred

The Wongsodihardjo Prize in Investment Modeling: M De Bosscher

Centre for Social Impact

The Anton Mischewski Design for Social Innovation Prize: JM Brown, N Curnow, LJ Delpech, M Dye

The Lusthaus Prize - Term 1: T Sunil

The Lusthaus Prize - Term 2: DY Lin

The Lusthaus Prize - Term 3: HS Wijayakumar

The Lusthaus Prize - summer: MC Luchsinger

School of Economics

The Productivity Commission Prize: RJ Mu

School of Information Systems and Technology Management

The Professor M Weinstock Memorial Prize - 2: AV Nayanar

The Professor M Weinstock Memorial Prize -1: Y Li

School of Management and Governance

The Julia Moore Prize in Industrial Relations: M Chen

The Professor Chung Sok Suh Memorial Prize: EC Au Duong

School of Risk and Actuarial Studies

The E S Wolfenden Memorial Prize: E Shirodkar

The Finity Consulting Prize: W Jing

The KPMG Actuarial Prize: CR Whybrow

The UniSuper Prize: K Sun

The Wongsodihardjo Prize in Risk Analytics: JP Moore


UNSW Canberra at the Australian Defence Force Academy

The Best Student in the Bachelor of Arts: LK Morley

The Best Student in the Bachelor of Business: RM Staer

The Best Student in the Bachelor of Computing and Cyber Security: MA Hillam

The Best Student in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours): EC Yeo

The Best Student in the Bachelor of Science: JF Hunting

The Best Student in the Bachelor of Technology: JK Pain

The Dr Alan Carter Oceanography Prize: G Brotzu Chessa

The Peter Mitchell Bachelor of Arts Prize: J Stanhope

The Peter Mitchell Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Prize: KR Withers

The Peter Mitchell Bachelor of Science Prize: SR Clive

The R.J.A Barnard and Mildred Prentice Memorial Prize: JF Hunting

The RAAF Beaufort Bomber Prize: JM Goode, RA McNickle, AE Norman, AD Stark

UNSW Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering Dean's Award:
JS Avila Molina, JJ Balajan, M Beocanin, MA Borscz, CC Buchanan, F Cao, MC Chan, A Chandra, D Charls, A Chen, C Chen, N Chen, Z Chen, C Cheng, JH Choi, MA Cunanan, AM Cunio, RL Davis, A Demskoy, L Dickson, CA Dutkiewicz, FP Ee, C Fan, LL Fan, N Fang, KT Glover, JC Gois, RF Golledge, T Gong, WL Gong, TE Harrison Brown, LJ Hilliar, LJ Ho, J Hong, MT Horner, IL Iliffe, S Jang, YR Jayasooriya, Q Jiang, JW Jung, RS Kaniyur, JD Kaplan, ZM Kembrey, C Kethees, D Kumar, H Li, JJ Li, KZ Li, P Li, J Lin, A Liu, KZ Low, CL Lu, JW Lum, J Ly, Z Ma, AS Mah, RT Mathew, CL McGowan, JJ Meng, EG Moon, V Nguyen, IG Notarpietro, FE Parker, AM Ritossa, JW Salvaris, TW Sau, MW Shahid, R Shi, M Sinha, R Tong, N Tran, E Vo, B Wang, JJ Wang, S Wang, W Wang, S Wijesurendra, EA Williams, BH Wong, EY Wong, V Wong, D Wu, R Xue, D Yan, JY Yang, C Yao, JZ Yeoh, J Youn, K Yu, SM Zammit, MY Zhang, T Zhang, VL Zhang, YY Zhang, K Zhao, X Zhao, JH Zhou, K Zhu, X Zhu


School of Chemical Engineering

The IChemE Prize: HE McGeorge, TO McMahon

The Lyceum Club Thesis Prize: CH Clayton, AT Pham

The Norman Prize in Chemical Engineering: TO McMahon

The Professor Graham Fleet Memorial Prize: X Lin, EG Otton

The Samos Polymers Prize in Chemical Product Engineering: S Islam, Y Wang

The UNSW Chemical Engineering Prize for Process Design: RC Archuna, ES Fu, LL Kim, SN Klimczak, TO McMahon

The UNSW Chemical Engineering Prize for Product Design: X Han, Y Setiorini, J Xie, D Yang

The UNSW Chemical Engineering Prize in Undergraduate Chemical Product Engineering: G Yang

The UNSW Chemical Engineering Prize in Undergraduate Food Science: CH Clayton


School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The Alexander Wargon Prize: AJ Drinnan

The Association of Consulting Surveyors' NSW Prize in Land Development: A Beretta

The Australian Steel Institute Undergraduate Steel Design Award: C Chen

The BOSSI Medal: D Gliguroski

The Crawford Munro Memorial Prize: JC Gois

The EGM Memorial Prize: KN Plavsic

The Engineers Australia Civil and Structural Engineering Prize: AJ Drinnan

The Full Time Class of 1962 Civil Engineering and Surveying Alumni Prize: M Zhang

The Institution of Surveyors New South Wales Prize: D Gliguroski

The JK Geotechnics Prize: AH Tran

The Jacob N Frenkel Prize: LJ Ho

The Maurice Maughan Prize: ZN Aubourg

The R S Mather Memorial Prize: Y Liu

The Surveying and Spatial Sciences Institute Prize: XJG Li

The Weld Australia Prize: H Zhang


School of Computer Science and Engineering

The Anita Borg Prize: G De Bellis

The Arista Networks COMP9242 Prize: JE Archer

The Ben Rudzyn Memorial Prize: MLW Gribben

The Displayr COMP4931 Prize: HJ Scott

The IMC COMP3121/3821 Prize - 1st Place: J Lin

The IMC COMP3121/3821 Prize - 2nd Place: JJ Balajan

The IMC COMP3121/3821 Prize - 3rd Place: RS Kaniyur

The Jump Operations Australia COMP3222 Digital Circuits and Systems Prize: Y Fu

The Jump Trading Australia COMP3231/9201/3891/9283 Prize: Z Ma

The Jump Trading Australia COMP3231/9201/3891/9283 Prize - 2nd Place: J Sengmany

The Jump Trading Australia COMP3231/9201/3891/9283 Prize - 34d Place: N Chen

The Macquarie SENG2021 Group Prize: Z Ding, KA Soman, AJJ Wang, KJ Zhou, T Zhang

The Norman Foo Memorial Best Research Paper Prize: DDT Nguyen

The Optiver SENG3011 Group Prize: N Ahuja, JJA Furlan, A Kishore, SXY Morota Chua, RC Teh

The ThoughtWorks SENG2011 Prize: AM Brown

The Wargaming Sydney COMP3421 Prize: RF Golledge


School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications

The Canon Information Systems Research Australia (CiSRA) Digital Systems Poster Competition Prize: CA Jones, JJ Luo, GE Matthews, M Nel, L O'Neill

The Michael Hintze Memorial Prize in Power Engineering: Y Li

Faculty of Engineering, Three Minute Thesis - First Prize: G Foo, AM Spooner

Faculty of Engineering, Three Minute Thesis - People's Choice: X Wang

The Malcolm Chaikin Prize for Research Excellence in Engineering: RC Leon


School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

The Best Undergraduate Final Year Thesis Prize:
KR Atkins, HJ Azzopardi, BJ Carr, Y Chen, LR Conn, MJ D'souza, LA Heathcote, MD Holohan, PE Lee, LJ Lu, R Luo, G Manoharan, SJ Mesia, Z Sun, C Xu, H Yang

The C Madhusudana Prize: MC Chan

The Douglas Archer Prize in Aerospace Engineering: JS Cheong

The John Harrison Prize: R Chiang

The Professor Eddie Leonardi Prize: MA Borscz

The R E Jeffries Memorial Prize: N Chen

The RAA Bryant Prize: N Chen

The RS Components Prize for Engineering Excellence: W Chen

The Warwick Slade Royal Aeronautical Society Prize: MK Agarwal, E Alias, Z Bian, J Dul, JB Malkki, EJ Mueller, VJ Pradheepan, DK Ratnam


School of Minerals and Energy Resources Engineering

The Behre Dolbear Prize: ZS Miller

The Behre Dolbear Prize for Best Overall Proficiency (or Performance) in Year 3: PD McAuliffe

The Bruce Hebblewhite Prize in Mining Engineering: ZS Miller

The Charles Warman Prize: V Salamakha

The David Laurence Prize: IR Moopanar

The David Phillips Prize: PD McAuliffe

The Drilling Engineering Award: MH Haji Awang Yahya

The Enhanced Oil and Gas Recovery Prize: MA Hj Mohd Noorilham

The Jim Galvin Prize: J Kitchner

The Joan Bath Prize for Women in Mining Engineering: PJ Ang

The Mitsubishi Prize: E Aleshin, AK Argiropoulos, ZS Miller, IR Moopanar

The Natural Gas Engineering Prize: AT Khayyat

The New South Wales Minerals Council Prize for Best Overall Performance (or Proficiency) Year 2: CJ Liong

The New South Wales Minerals Council Prize for Best Performance in Hardrock Mine Design Course: ZS Miller

The Outstanding Postgraduate Coursework Student Prize: HM Aljarrash

The Outstanding Year 1 Student Prize: LD Brunton

The Outstanding Year 2 Student Prize: JR Seow

The Outstanding Year 3 Student Prize: MH Haji Awang Yahya

The Outstanding Year 4 Student Prize: AT Khayyat

The Petroleum Economics Prize: AB Faidah

The Reservoir Engineering Prize: MM Alsoufi

The Roxborough Prize: DJ Slater

The Stan Sawyer Memorial Prize: ZS Miller

The Thesis Project Prize: RH Abuaez


School of Photovoltaic and Solar Energy

The BT Imaging Photovoltaic Thesis Prize: JF Yates

The Steve Robinson Memorial Prize: H Zhang


The Dean's List:
TR A, NI Abbey, TE Atkinson, MP Baker, AN Bate, N Bedford, E Belekas, NS Berry, JL Black, N Bogatyreva, BM Bradley, N Brkic, CD Brunton, EA Butterworth, MD Byrne, MC Carroll, RM Challis, H Chen, RY Chew, JT Chia, DS Chung, TJ Cipolla, RE Cox, IT Davis, SK Dhillon, CW Doherty, R Dulloo, AL Dumas, BJ Dunphy, ER Edwards, AK Ehsman, GE Flynn, S Gan, RA Gayed, G Goodman, EI Gorur, R Goyal, A Grabrovaz, K Gu, EX Guo-Hawkins, GA Hall, ML Hamlin, CM Higgins, RC Hingston, TB Hodgson, HA Holstead, AH Hook, BQ Huang, AP Humphreys, EC Hunyor, NA Jones, SK Jung, JW Kan, A Koleth, EG Kuhl, NE Kutcher, JC Lawford, S Lee, CS Li, JD Lidbetter, AJ Loveday, PC Lui, NL Ma, S MacDonald, T Mahajan, AN Mao, AJ Maros, FR Maxwell, SR McCann-Hoey, JM McNally, LA Monteiro, SC Moss, S Nathani, BA Nicols, RB O'Kane, A O'Young, RJ Olejnik, YS Pang, JH Parker, NC Parker, BL Pearson, KR Pearson, B Pei, BS Perera, CM Procter, SN Pryde, L Qi, L Qian, J Qiu, SR Quinn, MF Rahimi, N Rahman, VB Rao, GJ Raptis, SC Rhee, CJ Rigby, JE Rizk, L Rizzo, H Sa, TR Sanguigni Fournier Le Ray, S Sarram, NE Schwartz, M Seeff, K Shaji, W Sheng, LJ Singer, AM Sison, MG Smith, J Song, JY Soo, PJ Spennato, AW Stefas, HC Tang, B Tolic, KM Tran, MM Trzecinski, I Turkovic, KN Vinandar, A Warren, L Weil Ruggeri, S Whittaker, IA Wildsmith, JK Williams, AM Witting, T Wu, LY Yana, JS Yi, BZ Zheng, WA Zheng, J Zhou, A Zhu, X Zou, N Zulman, EJ Zykov

The Juris Doctor Medal: AN Bate, WC Jackson, MY Lai

The Allens Prize: SV Shapiro Parata

The Ashurst Prize: SR Wailes

The Baker & McKenzie Prize: V Karnamadakala

The Banki Haddock Fiora Prize in Graduate Law: S Sarram

The Bird & Bird Prize: AN Bate

The Dixon Family Prize in Law: A Taylor

The Herbert Smith Freehills Prize: BJ Dunphy

The Judge Ralph J Perdriau Prize: JW Kan

The Law Society of New South Wales Prize: G Goodman

The Maurice Blackburn Lawyers Prize: RJ Olejnik

The Minter Ellison Prize: JD Lidbetter

The School of Law, Society and Criminology Prize - 1: IK Singh

The School of Law, Society and Criminology Prize - 2: TL Cameron

UNSW Medicine

The Foundation Year Graduates Medal: A Lawandos

The Best Overall Performance in the Doctor of Medicine: NA Chang

The Combined Teaching Hospitals Senior Staff Prize for Performance in the Phase 3 Integrated Clinical Examination: LA Coleman, BC Marshall, GA Petrides

The Prize for Medicine in Stage 3: A Wang

The Frank Rundle Prize for Surgery in Phase 3: BC Marshall

The W G Tellesson Memorial Prize in Clinical Application of Biomedical Sciences: L Minihan

The Bachelor of Medical Studies Academic Excellence Prize: HK Wen

The Bachelor of Medical Studies Clinical Excellence Prize: HK Wen

The Bachelor of Medical Studies Graduate Prize: HK Wen

The First Year Prize: A Annadurai


School of Health Sciences

The Exercise Physiology Stage 1 Prize: BM Borecka

The Exercise Physiology Stage 3 Prize: HA Ormsby

The Exercise Physiology Stage 4 Prize: LC Arkell

The Exercise Physiology Stage 4 Research Project Prize: B Shah

The School of Health Sciences Practicum Prize in Exercise Physiology: DN Towers


School of Medical Sciences

The Athol Lykke Stage 2 Pathology Prize: LV Estoque

The D I McCloskey Stage 3 Physiology Prize: ME Davis, H Zhang

The D N Wade Stage 3 Pharmacology Prize: H Zhang

The Dami Atapattu Stage 2 Anatomy Prize: S Jallian, NC Lotter

The F C Courtice Stage 2 Physiology Prize: NP Vu

The G R Cameron Pathology Prize: JW Ly

The G R Cameron Stage 3 Pathology Prize: MS Joseph

The Istvan Tork Stage 3 Anatomy Prize: SA Hay

The Maurice (Toby) Arnold Anatomy Prize: JW Ly

The Paxinos and Watson Neuroscience Honours Prize: M Jin

The School of Medical Sciences Pharmacology Prize: HW Lam

The School of Medical Sciences Stage 2 Pharmacology Prize: I Jaitly

The W E Glover Physiology Prize: A Joshi

The Winifred Dickes Rost School of Medical Sciences Honours Prize: L Elhassadi


School of Optometry and Vision Science

The ACBO Prize in Binocular and Children's Vision: AC Tse

The Brian Kirby Prize for Research Excellence in Optometry: K Lahav-Yacouel

The Cooper Vision Prize in Contact Lenses: SY Wang

The Designs for Vision Prize: H Yin

The Dr Andrew Whatham Prize for Stage 5 CFEH Clinical Excellence: R Lin

The Luxottica Prize for the Best Performance in Clinical Ocular Therapeutics (Master of Clinical Optometry, Stage2): C Nguyen-Dang

The Mivision Prize for Recognition of Excellence in Social Engagement: AO Venzon

The Optometry NSW/ACT Prize in Ocular Therapeutics: SY Wang

The Postgraduate Ocular Therapeutics Prize: BM Di Certo

The Research Project Prize in Master of Clinical Optometry: EJ Tang, TM Trang

The Specsavers Prize for Excellence in Patient Management: L Deng

The Specsavers Prize for overall excellence in the Bachelor of Vision Science Master of Clinical Optometry program: Z Fakih

The Stage 1 Optics Prize: MY Lam, N Liu

The Stage 2 Clinical Optometry Prize: NY Chen

The Stage 3 Environmental Optometry and Dispensing Prize: SH Lin

The Stage 3 Ocular Diseases Prize: F Gold



School of Population Health

The Muru Marri Aboriginal Undergraduate Merit Prize: BN Jones

The John Hirshman Prize in International Health Prize: DJ White

The John Hirshman Prize in Public Health: S May

The School of Population Health Prize: M Thai


School of Psychiatry

The David Greenberg Prize in Forensic Mental Health: AT Robinson

The Neil McConaghy Prize: GM McKeon

The Neil McConaghy Prize for Psychiatry: SK Frost

The RANZCP Prize for Psychiatry: CLA Rogers

School of Women's and Children's Health

The Gordon Lowe Memorial Prize: AM Bhuiyan

The Margaret Dance Memorial Award: CL Faulkner

The Paediatrics Staff Prize: I Traini

The RANZCOG Prize: A Alonso


Prince of Wales Clinical School

The Graham Macdonald Prize for Medicine: SJ Walter

The John Coleman Prize in Surgery: MH Fadhil

The Max Thorpe Prize: LA Coleman

The Prince of Wales Clinical School Postgraduate Research Day Prize: FL Knapman

The Prince of Wales Clinical School Postgraduate Research Day Prize: AR Nitchingham


Rural Clinical School

The Annual RCS Peter Vine Prize - Phase 2: MS Long

The Annual RCS Sandy McColl Prize - Pase 1: FP Sisson

The Graham Turner Bursary Prize: T Bojanic

The James Curran Prize for Medicine: CLA Rogers

The Sandy Reid prize: BC Marshall

The Peter Reed Prize for Surgery: CB Marshall


South Western Sydney Clinical School

The Ian Webster Medal: LC Liu

The South Western Sydney Clinical School Prize for Medicine: A Wang

The South Western Sydney Clinical School Prize for Surgery: MYR Ng


St George and Sutherland Clinical School

The David de Carle Prize: GA Petrides

The John Edmonds Prize for Medicine: T Tsao

The Ken Cox Prize for Surgery: MW Hui


St Vincent's Clinical School

The Doug Tracy Prize for Surgery: AS McHarg

The John Hickie Prize for Medicine: AS McHarg

The St Vincent's Clinical School Prize: SM Haynes


UNSW Science

The Faculty of Science Dean's List:
AP Altman, EE Ashley, JS Avila Molina, JJ Balajan, M Beocanin, EJ Beukers, Z Bi, EK Black, NS Brobyn, F Cao, GC Carter, JJ Chabros, A Chen, B Chen, A Chhillar, TY Chin, LC Cook, MA Cunanan, ME Davis, A Demskoy, L Dickson, P El Bayey, F El-Najjar, T Fuh, J Guo, K Guo, JD Hamilton, K Harellis, AL Harrison, SA Hay, LJ Hilliar, E Ho, CA Hogan, HI Horswill, NN Huang, AS Ifti, IL Iliffe, I Jaitly, S Jang, YR Jayasooriya, BJ Jesser, W Ji, CA Johnstone, JA Kabir, RS Kaniyur, JD Kaplan, L Koh, J Kolar, S Koller, GN Kowalick, JJ Lambe, TA Leask, JM Leung, G Li, RK Li, E Lin, J Lin, SS Liu, JW Lum, AS Mah, AJ Manning, KM Mashimo, EA Mitchell, EJ Mitchell, HN Ng, SG O'Connell, S Okayama, GL Paget, AN Perri, D Raimond, CE Ramsay, AM Ritossa, CJ Ryan, TD Schanzer, GD Sebban, B Sediqi, VD Sethu, SH So, BJ Sun, H Sun, SL Tam, JN Teo, K Tong, MS Tran, JL Turco, SA Veitch, SF Vigouroux, NM Vinod, E Vo, NP Vu, AH Wang, VX Wang, S Wibisono, MP Wilkinson, A William, L Xiong, C Yao, K Yu, JN Zammit, H Zhang, VL Zhang, R Zhao, J Zhou, L Zhuang

The Faculty of Science Prize for 1st Year Advanced Science: FC Harte

The Faculty of Science Prize for 1st Year Science: SF Vigouroux

The Faculty of Science Prize for 2nd Year Advanced Science: TD Schanzer

The Faculty of Science Prize for 2nd Year Science: MM Lim

The Faculty of Science Prize for 3rd Year Advanced Science: ME Davis

The Faculty of Science Prize for 3rd Year Science: CJ Ryan

The Faculty of Science Prize for Honours Year Advanced Science: CR Tedesco

The Faculty of Science Prize for Honours Year Science: AO Douglas, I Gunawan, GT Pfundstein


School of Aviation

The AFAP and the AAPMBF Prize for Dux Volans: DM Vellani

The AFAP and the AAPMBF Prize for Dux Volans 2nd year: NR Bailey

The AIPA Prize for Best Pilot: MJ Rogers

The AIPA Prize for Most Improved Pilot: JW Gallen

The UNSW School of Aviation Higher Degree Research (HDR) Prize: NY Tang

The UNSW School of Aviation Honours Prize: Y Teo

The UNSW School of Aviation Postgraduate Prize: AT Griffin

The UNSW School of Aviation Undergraduate Prize: JJ Loh

The Wongsodihardjo Prize in Aviation Security and Airport Management: AL Dela Torre


School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

The Garry King Prize: SG O'Connell, JL Turco

The Jackson Prize for Honours Year: I Gunawan, AO Lee

The School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science Prize in Level 1: SL Richards

The School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Science Prize in Level 2: T Fuh


School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences

The F C Loughnan Prize for First Year Geology: SN Syed Alwi

The F C Loughnan Prize in Applied Geology: FH Dobbin

The J J Frankel Memorial Prize: Y Cai

The Jack Mabbutt Medal: A Lane

The Laric V Hawkins Prize: M Arshad

The Lorant Eotvos Prize: AM Byrne

The Marilyn Fox Environmental Science Prize: MD Woods

The Memorial Ivor Beatty Prize in Conservation: NP Browne

The Prospectors/Suunto Prize: Y Cai

The Structural Geology Field Prize: RM Carter


School of Chemistry

The 3rd Year Medicinal Chemistry Prize: Z Zhang

The Alan Norman Buckley Chemistry Prize: I Jaitly

The Angyal Prize: AO Douglas

The Bosworth Prize in Physical Chemistry: AN Perri, RKC Li

The Cavill Honours Prize in Medicinal Chemistry: O Girgis-Cook

The Don Craig Memorial Postgraduate Prize: DP Pace

The Howard Prize in 2nd Year Inorganic Chemistry: Y Jiang, FA Lempriere

The Howard Prize in 2nd Year Organic Chemistry: I Jaitly

The Howard Prize in 2nd Year Physical Chemistry: RK Li

The Howard Prize in Chemistry 1A: KA Adidharma, HM Duong, SL Tam, R Xue

The Howard Prize in Chemistry 1B: L Evers, CI Kneebone, SH So

The Howard Prize in Higher Chemistry 1A: E Vo

The Howard Prize in Higher Chemistry 1B: E Vo

The Howard Prize in Medicinal Chemistry 1A: EJ Beukers

The Howard Prize in Medicinal Chemistry 1B: MW Gourlay

The Inglis Hudson and the Jeffery Bequests: AN Perri, Z Zhang

The June Griffith Memorial Prize: E Vo

The Nanoscience Honours Prize: MT Lord

The RACI Analytical and Environmental Chemistry Group Prize: AE Papasergio

The School of Chemistry Prize for the Best Performance in Senior Chemistry: AN Perri

The School of Chemistry Prize in Level 2 Chemistry: I Jaitly

The UNSW Chemical Society Dwyer Prize: AN Perri

The UNSW Chemical Society George Wright Prize: TE Harrison Brown

The UNSW Chemical Society Parke-Pope Prize: SE McKay

The UNSW Chemical Society Prize in Level 1 Chemistry: FC Harte, CI Kneebone


School Mathematics and Statistics

The Alma Douglas Prize for Level 3 Statistics: H Wang

The Buchwald Prize: NM Vinod

The C H Peck Prize: B Chen

The CITADEL Prize: J Lin

The CITADEL Securities Prize: ASW Mah

The George Szekeres Prize: CH Zeng

The Head of School's Prize: JJ Lambe

The School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize for 1st Year Actuarial Maths: SY Lam

The School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize for Level 1 Mathematics: AS Mah

The School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize for Level 2 Mathematics: S Jang

The School of Mathematics and Statistics Prize for Level 3 Applied Mathematics: MC Wang

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Applied Mathematics Honours: AK Sari

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 2 Applied Mathematics: J Kolar

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 2 Pure Mathematics: E Lin

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 2 Statistics: J Lin

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 3 Applied Mathematics: Y Huang

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 3 Pure Mathematics: W Wang

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Level 3 Statistics: H Sun

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Pure Mathematics Honours: J Li

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize in Statistics Honours: AK Michalopoulos

The Women in Mathematics and Statistics Prize, Level 1: XW Huang


School of Materials Science and Engineering

The Australasian Corrosion Association Prize: S Gong

The Cochlear Prize: CD Hoang

The Hugh Muir Prize: SL Jones

The Max Hatherly Prize: R Xue

The Perfect Engineering Prize - Ceramic Engineering: J Jiang

The Perfect Engineering Prize - Materials Engineering: JK Huynh

The Perfect Engineering Prize - Physical Metallurgy: NT Vo

The Rio Tinto Aluminium Prize: VC Wong

The Sir Rupert Myers Prize: MA Miljak


School of Physics

The Australian Institute of Physics Prize: AN Perri

The B L Turtle Memorial Astrophysics Prize: DH Watt

The First Year Director's Prize: PJ Leerdam

The Gordon and Mabel Godfrey Award in Theoretical Physics 4: ID Thorvaldson

The Gordon and Mabel Godfrey Prize in Theoretical Physics 3: AN Perri

The Head of School's Prize in Physics: DM Jones

The Physics Staff Prize for Honours: ID Thorvaldson

The Physics Staff Prize for Physics 1: WBL Lo

The Physics Staff Prize for Physics 2: TD Schanzer

The School of Physics Prize in Experimental Physics: SK Barratt-Fitzgerald


School of Psychology

The Behavioural Neuroscience Honours Thesis Prize: T Keidar, CR Tedesco

The Combined PhD/Clinical Masters Thesis Prize: E Stech

The Joseph P Forgas Honours Prize: SC Orlievsky

The Joseph P Forgas Second Year Prize: GD Sebban

The Joseph P Forgas Third Year Prize: EP Connon

The Paxinos Neuroscience Prize: A Li

The Psychology Staff Prize: NN Huang

The Staff Prize for First Year Psychology: F Htun, N Maudarun

The Staff Prize for Second Year Psychology: NN Huang

The Staff Prize for Third Year Psychology: S Okayama

The Syd Lovibond Prize for Psychology Honours: T Keidar, JE Lee

The Undergraduate Behavioural Neuroscience Prize: S Okayama


Climate Change Research Centre

The Climate Change Research Centre Prize for Best Paper: D Dutta

The Climate Change Research Centre Prize for Science Communication, Outreach or Education: C Pathmeswaran


Nura Gili Centre for Indigenous Programs

Graduate Research School

Dean of Graduate Research Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis:
DC Adam, MA Ahamed Hamza, GA Al-Eryani, AJ Al-Mahasneh, IM Ali, A Alinezhad Chamazketi, C Allen, P Bahl, L Bai, X Bai, NA Baktash, AB Balogh, J Behary, JF Berengut, NS Birbara, JE Burzynska, KZ Canete, S Chakraborty, D Chen, H Chen, J Chen, X Chen, BL Croft, K Dastafkan, J Ding, EN Farquhar, AA Fathnan, P Feng, H Fibbins, HM Gamaarachchi, S Garshasbi, A Gilbert, JM Guffond, NC Gurieff, JN Hamm, MA Hammoud, BJ  Hastings, SL Hettiarachchi, MT Hon, P Jain, C Jia, C Jiang, S Jilani, K Judith, EV Kahl, DJ Keith, D Kim, BE Lee, RC Leon, M Li, M Li, H Lin, Q Lin, Y Liu, Y Liu, Y Liu, RJ Love, Z Ma, SJ Macdessi, MT Madzik, B Mahyad, AL Martins Reis, EM McDaid, C Menendez Muniz, E Naeej, DA Nguyen, HA Nguyen, CL Nicholson, RE O'Dea, T Pang, CY Peng, Y Peng, Y Qu, M Rendell, AG Russo, H Saadat, AK Sahoo, KS Schaffarczyk McHale, TT Scheckter, MA Siddiqui, A Singh, OP Skinner, E Stech, C Sun, Q Sun, Z Tong, AP Underwood, YY Vanunu, L Vitale, G Wang, H Wang, K Wang, T Wang, SZ Wu, W Wu, S Xu, Z Xu, T Yang, Y Yang, J Zhang, Q Zhang, Y Zhang, Z Zhang, X Zhu

Information is correct as at 23 March 2023. Prize details and prize winners may be updated during the course of the year and all updates will be published on the UNSW Prizes website.

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