Two students at an event on campus. Text in the foreground reads 'UNSW Health News & Events'.

UNSW Health provides a range of workshops, events, professional development programs and health resources throughout the year for UNSW students and staff. For more information on UNSW Health or to access health services, visit the Health & Wellbeing home page. 

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Latest News & Events

Always lock up your bike!

Bicycles are a common target for thieves on campus, day and night. Make sure your bike is still there for your ride home – always lock it up!

UNSW Swimming Safe Grant

Are you interested in becoming a swimming instructor, surf life saver or a water safety ambassador? The Swimming Safe Grant will help you achieve your goal with SIX months of FREE swimming lessons! 

Relax and Recharge Stations - Free snacks and resources

Pop by the Relax and Recharge Stations on campus to grab some snacks to fuel your study session, and resources and information you need to keep your mind and body healthy. 

Find the station in the Main…

HIV Testing Week

Getting a sexual health check should be part of everyone's health routine! Join the Health & Wellbeing Ambassadors at Helen Maguire Lawn to get a free and confidential HIV test. 

Midday Mindfulness

Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or anxious? We are here to help! Join our free and in-person Mindfulness Workshops where we will share and practice a variety of stress reduction techniques.

No pre-registration required, you're welcome to attend as many sessions as you'd like.

Pedestrian safety at UNSW

We've got some helpful tips on staying safe as a pedestrian when you are crossing roads around campus, and travelling between uni and home.

Embracing Resilience: Navigating Anxiety & Low Mood (Mandarin)

This workshop is designed to to equip international students with practical skills to navigate anxiety and low mood. The goals of this group is to gain a stronger understanding of anxiety and low mood, while learning common coping skills and self-care practices, while fostering a supportive environment to talk about these experiences.

EmpowerU: Rights, Worth & Voice

EmpowerU: Rights, Worth, and Voice is a 3-week workshop series that focuses on psychoeducation to empower female and female identifying UNSW students with knowledge and skills that promote healing, self-care, and empowerment.

Weekly Rolling Group

The Rolling Group program at UNSW Psychology and Wellness is designed to be interactive, supportive, fun and filled with opportunities to discuss as well as learn from your peers and UNSW mental health clinicians. 

Thriving as an HDR Candidate - Helping international students navigate challenges & build success in their HDR journey

We invite you to connect with fellow international HDR candidates in a safe and confidential environment where you can openly discuss your challenges. Whether you are newly arrived at UNSW and in Australia or approaching the conclusion of your academic pursuits, you will find value in participating in this group, as you are not traversing this path alone.

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