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Answers to FAQs

How do I log in?

You will need your zID and password to log in to Uni-Verse.

Why is my login not working?

ISSUE: I can't log in to the app with my zID due to message that my password is incorrect, but it is the same password I use for log in to Moodle and myUNSW.

Please try the following steps:

1. Update your mobile device (latest version for your Operating system):

2. Un-Install the Uni-Verse mobile app.

3. Re-boot/Restart your mobile device.

4. Download the “Uni-Verse” mobile app from App Store or Google Play (depending on your mobile device).

5. Log in with your zID and zPASS to the “UNSW Sydney/Canberra Student” Profile.

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, then we need to know a bit more about your device. Please contact us with the following details:

  • Your student email address
  • Full name
  • Any comments
  • Is this current mobile device upgraded to the latest operating system: YES / NO.
  • Have the Initial troubleshooting steps (above) been performed: YES / NO.

Can I change the order of the tiles?

Simply click on the 'Arrange' icon on the bottom of your device's screen and sort your tiles based on your preference.


For help and support, you can email: [email protected]


We would love to hear your thoughts, concerns or problems with anything so we can improve the services and resources we provide to you.

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