Please note that UNSW cannot disclose information without the student's consent.

About student privacy at UNSW

At UNSW, students are responsible for maintaining their enrolment and personal details on their University record. Many parents are often surprised to learn that the University does not include parents when notifying students of their assessment results or tuition fees.

The University is committed to safeguarding the privacy of student information and has implemented measures to comply with its obligations under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) ("the Act”). All staff are bound by the Act and by the UNSW Privacy Management Plan. However the University will, of course, share information with parents when authorised to do so by the student via the Third Party Authorisation form.

The Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW) applies to State public sector agencies, which, by definition, includes most academic and administrative units at UNSW. The Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000 (Commonwealth) applies to organisations in the private sector and includes some units at UNSW such as UNSW Global and Arc @ UNSW.

Generally, personal information is not disclosed to a third party without the individual’s consent. In the case of an emergency, or in exceptional circumstances, where a student’s safety may potentially be jeopardised, a senior officer may authorise the release of personal information. In all circumstances, the University is conscious of its obligations with respect to privacy.

Read more about the UNSW Privacy Code of Practice.

Third party authorisation form

Students can use this form to:

  • authorise the release of information relating to their student record e.g. application, fees, or enrolment to a third party such as a parent/guardian, relative or friend, and/or
  • authorise a third party to apply for and collect documentation relating to their student record on their behalf.

See the Third Party Authorisation form for more information.

Answers to frequently asked questions

How can I access my child's results

UNSW does not mail results to students or to their parents but makes them available for students to view online through myUNSW (a password-protected student information system). Students wishing to share their grades with their parents can print results from myUNSW.

How can I access my child's address / phone number

UNSW treats information it receives from students, such as address, email and phone number as confidential and will not reveal such information to third parties without the permission of the student except in cases of an emergency or exceptional circumstances as described above.

My child is travelling abroad and needs their transcripts

A student's academic record is considered confidential under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW). Only students can request an Academic Transcript. You may wish to have your son/daughter complete and submit a Third Party Authorisation form prior to them departing.

My employer / insurance company require proof that my child is attending UNSW

Students who are currently enrolled can apply for a Letter confirming enrolment details; this is an official document verifying dates of attendance, degree, and student status (full-time or part-time). Only the student can request this letter unless a Third Party Authorisation form has been completed.

I need a fees statement so I can pay my child's fees

UNSW does not send fees statements to students. All fees statements are made available to students through their myUNSW account. Please ask your son/daughter to sign on to myUNSW and print out a fees statement for you. See How do I pay fees for more information.

Are there any support services available for students with a Disability?

Yes, please visit our Disability Support page.

Are there any faith-based services on campus?

Yes, our Religious Centre is attended by many different denominations. There is also an online guide for Muslim students.

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