Participate in UNSW research surveys


Participate in surveys run by our very own UNSW research students and contribute to their theses!

The surveys listed below are currently open for participation. Please note that they may have unique eligibility criteria and incentives for completion.

How intuition influences language use

Eligibility: Aged 18+ and meet the English criteria listed here

Incentive: $20-35 gift card

This research includes an engaging online reading task that will use your webcam to record your eye movements, an online task that will ask you whether readings are grammatical, and online confidence tasks based on guesses and corrections made. 

Learn more. 

Determining the association between level of self-regulated and self-directed aptitudes of learning (SELF-ReDiAL) and wellbeing in health professional students

Eligibility: Students enrolled in health-related programs, including medicine, optometry, physiotherapy, pharmacy, dentistry, nursing and other allied health disciplines at universities in Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

Incentive: N/A

Researchers at UNSW are conducting a project to develop a tool for measuring SR in health professional students and determine the association between self-regulated and self-directed aptitudes of learning (SELF-ReDiAL) aptitude and wellbeing. Participation in this research will take approximately 8 minutes. 

Learn more and get involved.

Examining the influence of national culture on aviation incidents

Eligibility: Aged 18+, enrolled in a postgraduate program at UNSW.

Incentive: $30 voucher for a session lasting approximately 75 minutes.

Researchers at UNSW Aviation are conducting a project about assessing the reliability and the usability of a national-culture index to support the analysis of aviation incidents. Postgraduate students at UNSW are being invited to take part in this research. Participation in this research does not require any prior background/knowledge in aviation.

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Disrupting the default mode network to improve cognition

Eligibility: People aged 18-60, not taking any medications that may affect brain stimulation, no history of serious medical conditions, not pregnant, no current history of drug or alcohol abuse, among other criteria. 

Incentive: $150 in gift vouchers for four sessions (approx six hours in total).

Researchers at UNSW are conducting a project investigating whether brief and transient disruptions of the default mode network (DMN), a pattern of brain activity that engages when one is idle, can improve cognitive performance on a working memory task.

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Characteristic Changes of Visual Functions using Atropine Eye Drops

Eligibility: Aged between 18 and 35 with good general and eye health. Further eligibility criteria apply.

Incentive: A $20 Coles gift card for each study visit (a total of $40). 

UNSW researchers are conducting a study to evaluate the effect of using 0.05% atropine eye drops on our ability to discriminate objects' motions, contrast and colour at low-light levels in subjects with shortsightedness (myopia).

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Analysing perceptions of normality, and influences for female genital cosmetic surgery

Eligibility: UNSW students based in NSW aged 18-35

Incentive: N/A

Researchers at UNSW are conducting a project about public’s perceptions of the range of normal with regards to female genitalia and factors influencing the decision to access female genital cosmetic surgery. The focus groups will be divided into 3 categories; those who currently have female genitalia, those who currently have male genitalia, those who have had any cosmetic genital surgical procedures. Participants who are uncomfortable taking part in mixed gender focus groups but would like to take part in the research can choose to complete a one-on-one interview. 

Learn more about this research

An investigation of the roles of both the right inferior frontal cortex and presupplementary motor area in subserving impulsivity via the response inhibition neural pathway

Eligibility: Right-handed people aged between 18 and 50 who do not smoke and are not taking any medications which might affect brain stimulation, among other criteria.

Incentive: $150 in gift vouchers to reimburse you for any reasonable travel, parking, meals and other expenses after completing four experimental sessions.

Researchers at UNSW are conducting a project to investigate the roles of the right inferior frontal cortex and presupplementary motor area in modulating brain function associated with impulsive behaviours using non-invasive brain stimulation and cognitive tasks.

Find out more.

Investigating the role of near vision behaviour in the myopia progression among children


  1. Aged 6 to 14 years old
  2. Have short-sightedness (myopia) greater than -0.50D and emmetropic (normally sighted) (+- 0.50D)
  3. Best corrected vision 0.1 logMAR (6/7.5) or better in each eye
  4. No history of eye turn (strabismus) or lazy eye (amblyopia) 
  5. Good ocular and general health
  6. Not using any form of myopia control treatment
  7. Myopic children willing to undergo myopia treatment at the UNSW Optometry Clinic.

Incentive: A $100 Coles voucher for completing Phase 1 and a $300 Coles voucher for completing Phase 2. During the screening test, if the child fails to meet study inclusion criteria, they will receive only a $25 Coles voucher. 

Researchers at UNSW are seeking participants for a project to compare near vision behaviour (NVB) between myopic and emmetropic children. 

To express your interest, contact Samrat Sarkar (PhD student in the School of Optometry and Vision Science under the supervision of Dr Pauline Kang and A/Prof Sieu Khuu) at [email protected]

An investigation to explore which one of the languages is the source language for conceptual transfer when they learn Korean as a third language.

(1) English-Chinese bilinguals born and raised in Australia;
(2) Korean-English bilinguals born and raised in South Korean and learn English as a second language;
(3) Chinese-English bilinguals born and raised in China and learn Korean as a third language.

Incentive: $35-50 Prezzee gift card 

UNSW researchers are conducting a study aims to investigate the influence of a person’s prior knowledge of language(s) on the knowledge of other language(s) by investigating how the languages acquired by Mandarin-English bilinguals growing up in different language contexts influence their concept of temporal expressions related to tense and aspect in both languages.

For bilingual speakers: Click here

For trilingual speakers: Click here

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Justice Inclusion Access (JInA) - Ecosystem of support for women students from forced migrant background

(1) Identify as a woman
(2) Enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree (including HDR) at UNSW
(3) Experienced forced migration prior to settling in Australia. 

Incentive: N/A

The JINA project aims to understand the current and emerging professional development needs of women in undergrad or postgrad study (including HDR) at UNSW who have experienced forced migration prior to settling in Australia.

Learn more

Participant Information Statement and Consent Form 

UNSW Language Lab investigating how to enhance online learning experiences

Eligibility: University students who are speakers of English as a first language

Incentive: $20 Woolworths eGift card

UNSW Language Lab is calling students who are native speakers of English (monolingual or multilingual speakers, born in any English-speaking country) to participate in their online survey to help improve students' online learning experience. 

For monolingual or multilingual speakers: Click here

Learn more

Participant Information Statement and Consent Form

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