Here you can find information about the UNSW Academic Calendar for inbound students from overseas institutions to study at UNSW.

Our innovative calendar makes it easy to plan your studies to suit your academic needs and timeframe. We have three standard terms as well as a Summer (January) term and a Winter (August) term. So, you can choose between a Standard Term, a Tailored Term or one of our year-long options.

You can build your Study Abroad or Exchange program based on the number of credits you need to transfer back to your home institution. The full-time academic load at UNSW is 48 UNSW credits (60 ECTS) per year, which is usually 8 courses.

For semester-based programs, you have the choice of 18 UNSW credits (3 courses, 22.5 ECTS) over a standard Term, or 24 UNSW credits (4 course, 30 ECTS) over a Tailored Term. With your home institution’s agreement, you may also be able to take a unique 6 course option (45 ECTS).

To start planning your Study Abroad or Exchange we recommend you determine the number of courses you need to take and the duration of your UNSW study. The number of terms and therefore the length of your stay at UNSW is your study plan.

How many courses do you wish to study?

I would like to study 3 courses (18 UNSW Credits, 22.5 ECTS)

You can choose from either:

I would like to study 4 courses (24 UNSW credits, 30 ECTS)

You have the choice of four options:

I would like to study 6 courses (36 UNSW Credits, 45 ECTS)

You can choose to enrol in:

I would like to study 8 courses (48 UNSW Credits, 60 ECTS)

You have the option to take:

Study plan term dates

Summer (January) Term

YEAR 2024 2025
Term Start  2 Jan 6 Jan
Exams End 5 Feb 10 Feb

Term 1

YEAR 2024 2025
Term Start  12 Feb 17 Feb
Exams End 9 May 15 May 

Term 2

YEAR 2024 2025
Term Start 27 May 2 June
Exams End 22 Aug 28 Aug 

Winter (August) Term

YEAR 2024 2025
Term Start 12 Aug 18 Aug
Exams End 6 Sep 12 Sep

Term 3

YEAR 2024 2025
Term Start  9 Sep 15 Sep
Exams End 5 Dec 11 Dec


Our compulsory International Student Welcome is generally held in the week before the start of term for all incoming Study Abroad and Exchange Students. Students commencing in the Summer or Winter Terms only need to attend the orientation in those terms. 


The Exams end date is the last date of exams for that period. Students should ensure that they are available for the entire exam period as the final exam timetable is only released halfway through the term.

Next steps

Your next step is to seek nomination from your home university if you are an Exchange student, or to apply as a Study Abroad student to UNSW by the relevant deadline.

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