CASI: Anonymous STI testing for men

Talking about sex and your sexual partners can be awkward, even when it’s important for your health. Being up front about who you have sex with and what type of sex you have can be uncomfortable. So, we’ve come up with a solution to avoid those tricky conversations.

 CASI is a computer kiosk that provides FREE STI (sexually transmitted infections) tests for men who have sex with men.

  • Free, Private and Confidential
  • No health cover is needed. 
  • Self-collect your test


What to expect

  1. Prior to testing, you will be asked to complete some pre-screening questions to see if you’re eligible.
  2.  If you meet the criterion, you will be given an anal and oral swab to self-collect, and you will need to pee into a jar.
  3. You collect these samples, place them in the bag provided and then drop these off into a self-collection box in the bathroom.
  4. These tests are then sent to pathology, and results are managed by Sydney Sexual Health.

The only information CASI will collect from you is your name and your contact details. The information you provide is both private and confidential and is not linked to your academic record in any way.

Where To find CASI

CASI is located in the men’s toilet outside the health service in the main quadrangle at UNSW Kensington campus.

Just follow the yellow steps at the back of the health service to the men’s toilet.

See also

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