Please note that the 'Working with Academic Integrity' online module is currently under repair and the new version will be ready in Term 2, 2024.

University is an exciting but sometimes mysterious place. There are a lot of assumptions made about what knowledge people bring with them into this learning space.  Terms like Academic Integrity, misconduct, referencing, conventions, plagiarism, academic practices, citations and evidence based learning are all considered basic concepts that successful Uni students understand.

Students have many ideas about what working with academic integrity means.

So if you need to revise or get clear on any of these terms, we have the course for you.

‘Working with Academic Integrity’ is a six-lesson interactive self-paced Moodle module exploring and explaining all of these terms and placing them into your learning context. It will be the best one-hour investment you’ve ever made. The 'Working with Academic Integrity' module is open to all UNSW students.

Enrol here

  • The student key is Student583

If you have any questions, please send your enquiries to: [email protected]

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